What Are My Options for Doing Business? Have License Already.

I'v been to Venice, in fact had an appointment there on Sunday. However, I'm not coordinated enough to ever skate. It's a miracle I can ride a motorcycle.


No, I meant if you ever hit up the big pool at Pedlow. It was a joke and it made me laugh. Never mind.
I agree, partly.

Taking on the opportunity is not the problem, the problem is that a license only allows you to sell but many agents don't know how to sell, yet they think they can survive. They think it's easy for some reason, even though the over 80% failure rate says differently.

Try going for a job as a dance instructor without having a skill set in dance. You'd maybe get an entry level position, but certainly not a career position and you might get thrown out of the studio for wasting people's time.

Agents have been misled into thinking product webinars teach you how to sell, they do not, they teach you about the product. A product webinar does not tell you how to handle a client who "needs to think it over" or "speak to their spouse" or those "seeking information" which can make or break the sale.

Maybe it simply comes down to knowledge and preparation for the opportunity.

Maybe it is just me but I never understand these people that seem to wake up one day and get an insurance license without knowing anything about the biz or even where to go to find out.