Offer to start your own firm, write business under your firm through their carrier relationships. You'll cover your overhead, and you'll pay them a small commission... 10 20% and carry your own E&O. Tell them your willing to manage the current client base you already are... or they can, and your not responsible for their service from that point on. Do this until you get some contracts on your own... then cut ties amicably. Win win. If they don't like your offer, invite them to your meeting with the DOL.
Give them an opportunity to do right by you, is what I'm suggesting before sticking it to the man... either way they choose, you'll sleep better at night.
If you do venture out on your own, message me... I may have some carriers for you.
Give them an opportunity to do right by you, is what I'm suggesting before sticking it to the man... either way they choose, you'll sleep better at night.
If you do venture out on your own, message me... I may have some carriers for you.