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I use a legal pad. I write the date on the page and their names and ask if they smoke and write down the answer behind their names. Then I ask if they have anything in place now and write down the answer beside their names.
Then I go into my presenatation. Once done there and ask the medical questions I go to the bottom of the page and write "Immediate benefit-No 2 year wait", {assuming of course that's what I have determined they qualify for}.
Under that I write; "payments never increase" and under that; "benefits never deacrease or end"
Another line down I put; "builds cash value".
We have already discussed this stuff but I write it down again anyway.
Then in the middle of that paper I write down 3 options, the cost for each and the total if it's a husband and wife.
Then I verbally quote those rates again, {I've been telling what I'm writing down the whole time}. Then I tear that page off the pad turn it around and give it to them and say, 'does any of this fit your budget?"
There has been no discussion of companies and won't be until they give me an answer to that question. If they say yes to one of them then I say OK let's get started with the paperwork and this is the company I'm recommending for you. Only after the apps are filled out do I explain why I recomended that particular company. Then I leave that companies paperwork with them and tell them I will bring the policies by in a week or so.
Then I go into my presenatation. Once done there and ask the medical questions I go to the bottom of the page and write "Immediate benefit-No 2 year wait", {assuming of course that's what I have determined they qualify for}.
Under that I write; "payments never increase" and under that; "benefits never deacrease or end"
Another line down I put; "builds cash value".
We have already discussed this stuff but I write it down again anyway.
Then in the middle of that paper I write down 3 options, the cost for each and the total if it's a husband and wife.
Then I verbally quote those rates again, {I've been telling what I'm writing down the whole time}. Then I tear that page off the pad turn it around and give it to them and say, 'does any of this fit your budget?"
There has been no discussion of companies and won't be until they give me an answer to that question. If they say yes to one of them then I say OK let's get started with the paperwork and this is the company I'm recommending for you. Only after the apps are filled out do I explain why I recomended that particular company. Then I leave that companies paperwork with them and tell them I will bring the policies by in a week or so.