What is the Most Effective Part of YOUR Presentation?

Ha, same here but since getting into this forum I have picked up on the advice to give them lots of chances to back out before I leave. Do it one last time before I pack up. It solidifies that it is their doing and not something they were sold or talked into.

I knew a very successful agent in MP that would use what he called the "tear up the check" close before he left the house. After everything was done and he had the check in hand he would then say something like, "are you satisified with everything we have done here and if you are not then I will just tear up this check right now".

Claimed he never had anyone to to take him on it and they didn't cancel later either.
What do you touch on or say in your warm down?

I do an "after the warm down wrap up" . I will say something like "Okay, lets review what we've accomplished here today" and then proceed to describe the absolutely perfect outcome of them taking out this valuable coverage. Talk about the beneficiaries and how grateful they will be that mom loved them enough to take care of this for them. This also helps you to get out of a warm down that could go into the wee hours of the morning if you don't cut it off.
What do you touch on or say in your warm down?

"how do you feel about the decision you made here today...?" then shut up and let them talk.

if they are expressive about it... then I might ask

"what do you life most about it" They will give you a good list of hot button tie downs. I let them do the selling on themselves, when possible, as the words are more powerful coming from their mouth verus yours.
After I my opening I tell them that I am licensed by the state, and my job is to see what they qualify for, and to show them the plans that are available to them. Then I say: 'If we find a plan that fits your need, and fits your budget, while I'm with you, I'll help you fill out the forms, and I'll submit them for you.'
You tell them you're LICENSED BY THE STATE?

I am licensed by the state, and I show my insurance license to prove it.
Just in case you didn't know, without a state insurance license, not only am I unable to take an ap, but I am legally not able to do anything that can be construed as an insurance sales presentation. (I have no idea how it works in mass advertising, but I do know that in this state, even a secretary cannot quote premiums over the phone unless licensed.)