I completely agree with asking! No problem there.

You didn't use the word ask.

You said you 'require'.

The post is asking and yes I require a great comp plan. I will ask away until I find what I am looking for. If some believe that will be never, oh well, let them believe that. Regardless of what anyone says, I know I will find the right place/team/company. What others or you believe to be the truth, I respect. Some people believe in Jesus, others don't. Some people believe earning 7 figures annually is difficult, other don't. Some believed the world was/is flat to be the truth, and others don't. Same with this. Unfortunately, many people have limiting beliefs they themselves are not aware of. I can only imagine how much more "successful" they could be, if they changed that paradigm. But that's another topic.

I do sincerely respect your opinions and that you are just trying to help a newbie in the business out.

I truly appreciate the intent.

Again, Thanks for your advice. Have a good one. Jumping to another website so keep doing my research :)
Just make sure the IMO you go with, will let you out at any time. Its definitely ok to ask for the top contracts, and if you produce you should end up with it anyhow.