What REALLY happens when the donut hole goes away?

Change is always good for agents who are actively selling. Stirs up the base.

Doesn't matter if it's good change or bad change. It's always good for us.
This is pretty much what I have been thinking and telling clients when it comes up. Everything is just speculation until it actually happens.

Everything related to Medicare is controlled by politics, and 2020 is still 2 years and one more election cycle away... That is a lifetime in politics and a lot can still happen/change.
Yeah, I get that it is retail. You missed my subtlety.

Real question is, how much is retail?

This old drug was free. Now it's $109,500 a year.
I did miss it. Those issues about what the full cost is won't go away, that is true.

The structure, and problems with, the Part D benefit isn't changing after 2020. The only change between now and 2020 and beyond is that the currently declining threshold of when the gap is reached will stay at 25% once we get to 2020. There does seem to be some confusion over whether that stage will disappear. It won't.
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