- 7,242
Caveat, not an agent.Oboy
well I am new with them, I only really just started to sell them
I am really hoping it will be better then Manhattan life
the complaints were getting annoying.
many people dont understand it, I get calls all the time do you have anything else my dentist does not take this
That is why we went with it you can go to any dentist you can submit the bill and get reimbursed
But my dentist does not take it don't you have anything my dentist takes?
I just hate having those conversations over and over again
and I have had enough people cancel because the don't pay nuffin
And this is usually after the 1st year so its not like that
Not sure what exactly the issue is what that but cant spend my days chasing dental claims
I don't know if Ametrias does not work out I will probably not sell dental
@DS4 Hey!, I know you think dental really sucks but you do have an approach for your clients.
Could you briefly tell vic what you do and post that link you use for Delta plans so he can see if they happen to have coverage in other states beside CA that might be of use to him (vic).