What Should FE Lady Agents Wear?

Well since I am a dirty old man wear as little as possible and come sell me a policy.:D
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Definitely don't wear any cologne or perfume it does bother most of us old people and really turns others off. We have a final expense department at our agency and a couple of the guys must spend a fortune in cologne because they wear a bottle of it everyday and you can smell them in the whole building and out office is quite large. I've tried to tell someone this will end up losing sales but they don't listen. I'm trying to get a pool started on how long they will last because of lack of sales because of the way the smell.

I got out of the whole wearing perfume thing long time ago. My daughter however, is just getting into it. She is 5 and yesterday she had so much on for church, that you could smell her before she walked through the door.