What state is the claim filed in?

The claims rep said she wasn't going to listen to me lecture her and hung up the phone.

That's exactly how I have handled agents that called me up and lectured me on how to do my job.

Agents are clueless about claims and have no business getting into the middle of them.

You're not the claimant and you certainly aren't a lawyer. So, no, I don't have to talk to you.

If the claimant gets a lawyer I will cross the lawyer bridge when I come to it.

Any reputable, ethical company would pay my insured for his damages within a few days to settle and prevent a possible bodily injury suit.

Not even gonna touch that one. LOL.
Most Claims people will stop listening to you once you threaten with an attorney and many will not speak to you again after you get an attorney involved, they are not permitted to speak with you when an attorney gets involved.