What to look for (and stay away from) in carrier options when selling Final Expense over the phone


David Duford submitted a new article

What to look for (and stay away from) in carrier options when selling Final Expense over the phone

Insurance Forums member David Duford shares four key tips for anyone making the transition from face-to-face final expense sales to telesales.
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Good article. I definitely agree with principle #1 "100% Verbal Phone Authorization Process A MUST!".

I don't understand why so many FE insurance companies are so reluctant to offer a true telephonic application with voice signature, especially during these times. It's like their stuck in the stone age.

If you ask me, I think every insurance company should, have 3 ways to right business - paper, telephonic, and an e-app that can be signed either in person or via email.
Because the bulk of the field force is putting the phone down soon and headed back to the field.

Even if what you're saying is the case, can you think of a down-side to more carriers providing their agents with the capability to write new business remotely?

I strongly suspect that not only are many FE providers missing out on "boat load" of money, as a result of their refusal to be more flexible, but they're probably also losing agents as well.

And similar to "Blockbusters" and "redbox", where blockbusters was caught completely off guard and overtaken by redbox, due to their inability to foresee and adapt to the "paradigm shift" that was occurring. I think the same thing might befall many of these "dinosaur" FE insurance companies/products.
American Amicable allows Voice signatures now for everybody, but they still don't render an immediate decision 100% of the time their biggest downfall in my experience.