What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Well, roughly 1m people out of 350mm over a 2 year period. So, about 1 out of 700 a year, or 1 in 350 per year.

So, you might call it a lot. But it's a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Not even enough to show up in a pie chart.
Those deaths were in addition to normal mortality figures. Most other countries with leaders who put their country first suffered 1/10th of the US rate. 9 out of 10 of those covid deaths were therefore preventable.
Those deaths were in addition to normal mortality figures. Most other countries with leaders who put their country first suffered 1/10th of the US rate.
Exactly. Like Sweden. No lockdowns, and the lowest excess mortality rates in Scandavia.

You know, even though you're an ***, nearly everyone on the site hates you, you're a failed agent, and not even an American citizen, every once in a while you say something that makes sense.

You know how they say a broken clock is right twice a day? With you, it's more like once every 6 months. But hey, you just keep pushing forward there cupcake. We're proud of you. Not anyone here of course, no one here likes you, but perhaps someone. Somewhere. Some day.
Like Sweden.
Out of 238 countries, Sweden was ranked 40th worse compared to the US, which came in 17th worst. Globally, the death rate averaged 883 per million. Sweden came in at 2,612 compared to the US at 3,493. Those are the two countries you hold up as bastions of covid performance.
Which group is the clown show in the photo?

I think maybe you need to move back to the Spanish Inquisition. This performative pseudo-Christian culture war bullshit it is tearing us apart. Ridiculous post.
The world is not black and white. It's a million shades of grey, and the more people could see that, the more we'd all get along, I think.
With statistics, there is no black and white. Only opinions of those statistics are grey, but that doesn't change the statistics.
With statistics, there is no black and white. Only opinions of those statistics are grey, but that doesn't change the statistics.
Humans will generally ignore anything that doesn't align with their beliefs. They will either twist it to suit their beliefs or claim it's fake. Sure, statistics are cold hard facts, but when do that ever change anyone's minds? Hahaha.