What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Well, THAT was an interesting read. It's a great example of the division in this country. All anyone can do is vote for who they think stands for what is most important to them, but should realize that most of what they say during election time is just a bunch of BS and they'll go back to doing whatever the hell they want to do as soon as it's over.

I'm Independent voter who has voted Republican, Democrat and third party, and I have no real faith in any of them. I believe that our voting system has led us to this hyper partisanship and to the brink of ruin as a country, and we need an overhaul of that more than anything. Oh, and we need to get rid of every "talking head" in the media. All of them. People don't listen to news anymore, they listen to opinions and believe it's news.

But answering the OP's question, I'm fairly certain that not much will change in the insurance business no matter who gets elected. It's a very low priority for those folks up there making policy, no matter how much they like to tell everyone it's high priority. Especially during election season.

Trump didn't change or fix the ACA even though he swore he would (they had a replacement ready to go, he said,🤣🤣)
Biden didn't do much of anything either, even though he promised to make insurance cheaper for everyone. News flash, it's more expensive than ever.
Both sides have sworn since before Obama was president that the "other side" was going to destroy Medicare, ruin the private insurance companies, get rid of SS....and on and on.

Yet here we are.

I sell Medicare products and IFPs primarily. Both industries are messed up to the point of craziness, and no one in the government has any idea how to fix any of it.

I'll just continue to help people get what works for them with what we have available for the least cost to them. If all of it goes away, I'll find another career. But I'm not worried about it.

(As an aside, even though the conversation doesn't have anything to do with the OP.... Every single person is going to use their own personal experience to justify whatever it is they believe about covid and the vaccines. My husband was healthy and on no meds when he got Covid in 2020. Well before the vaccines were even being talked about. He now has POTS, CFS, and Fibromyalgia. He's on SSDI, had to retire from nursing and is in pain every day. All the symptoms came up in the 6 months post COVID. I also know people who developed issues after taking the vaccine. I don't discount their story because it's different than mine . The simple fact is, every body is different and is going to react differently to both the virus and the vaccine. A lot of people died from COVID. A lot of people reacted to the vaccine. Masks didn't help nearly as much as anyone hoped they would. All three are facts. )
I think most would choose reaction vs death, 99% of the time.
True that. I've been vaxed with no issues at all. I've gotten COVID twice since then, and both times were very mild, but it was also 2 to 3 years into it and the virus is clearly not as severe now. I still don't discount the people who have had issues with the vaccine. Clearly it's been proven to cause issues with people. Over all, I definitely lean toward vaccine than not, but that's because I saw the damage COVID did to my husband and so many others.
SEE. >
FIRST, they erased my right to free speech.

THEN, they targeted me with regime lawfare.

NOW, Kamala wants Soviet Price Controls in every neighborhood grocery store.

Fidel Castro had price controls - AND PEOPLE STARVED!
Mao had price controls - AND PEOPLE STARVED!
Stalin had price controls - AND PEOPLE STARVED!


But answering the OP's question, I'm fairly certain that not much will change in the insurance business no matter who gets elected. It's a very low priority for those folks up there making policy, no matter how much they like to tell everyone it's high priority. Especially during election season.
Every single person is going to use their own personal experience to justify whatever it is they believe about covid and the vaccines.

Wow, you seem very intelligent, rational and level headed. I mean that sincerely.

But don't worry. With time, and the help of the insurance industry, we'll fix that.