What will 4 years if Harris mean for Insurance?

Racist is, to me, one of those terms that make my eyes roll up, chuckle a little, and get my mute button on stand by.

Over used and usually used wrong. And used by Racist more than not.

It used to get me riled up. Real racism is fortunately not as prevalent today as decades past. So I guess it is kinda good that the word has less bite today.

There are a lot of words out there that have lost their meaning because they get thrown around a lot on the internet. Which is a shame. It just confuses the issue when people are trying to talk. Most of them also have no idea what the terms really mean anyway. And most of the people using them don't actually want to have a conversation, they just want to sound smart.

The far right can't even figure out if the left is communist or socialist....two completely different things. And throws the word woke around like anybody even knows what that means anymore. If you ask them to define any of them, they can't. The far left throws around fascist and racist if anyone even slightly disagrees with them.

It's the straight up black and white that annoys me the most though. Have concerns about transgenders in sports? You are transphobic and want them all dead. You believe abortion should be legal? You want to kill babies and do abortions at 8 months .... ridiculous.

Makes it hard to have any kind of conversation.
There are a lot of words out there that have lost their meaning because they get thrown around a lot on the internet. Which is a shame. It just confuses the issue when people are trying to talk. Most of them also have no idea what the terms really mean anyway. And most of the people using them don't actually want to have a conversation, they just want to sound smart.

The far right can't even figure out if the left is communist or socialist....two completely different things. And throws the word woke around like anybody even knows what that means anymore. If you ask them to define any of them, they can't. The far left throws around fascist and racist if anyone even slightly disagrees with them.

It's the straight up black and white that annoys me the most though. Have concerns about transgenders in sports? You are transphobic and want them all dead. You believe abortion should be legal? You want to kill babies and do abortions at 8 months .... ridiculous.

Makes it hard to have any kind of conversation.

Agree with a lot of this but it's also fair to say that people who have never dealt with racism aren't the best to decide what is racist and what is not.
Racist is, to me, one of those terms that make my eyes roll up, chuckle a little, and get my mute button on stand by.

Over used and usually used wrong. And used by Racist more than not.

It used to get me riled up. Real racism is fortunately not as prevalent today as decades past. So I guess it is kinda good that the word has less bite today.

Where do you get those mute buttons?

I don't seem to have one.
Agree with a lot of this but it's also fair to say that people who have never dealt with racism aren't the best to decide what is racist and what is not.

Agreed, however, they do seem to throw the accusation out pretty freely. But there are plenty of real racist of all the colors in the rainbow.
Easy to throw around hollow accusations. Same with 'Anti' as in 'You are' Anti Trans, Anti this, Anti that.
There are a lot of words out there that have lost their meaning because they get thrown around a lot on the internet. Which is a shame. It just confuses the issue when people are trying to talk. Most of them also have no idea what the terms really mean anyway. And most of the people using them don't actually want to have a conversation, they just want to sound smart.

The far right can't even figure out if the left is communist or socialist....two completely different things. And throws the word woke around like anybody even knows what that means anymore. If you ask them to define any of them, they can't. The far left throws around fascist and racist if anyone even slightly disagrees with them.

It's the straight up black and white that annoys me the most though. Have concerns about transgenders in sports? You are transphobic and want them all dead. You believe abortion should be legal? You want to kill babies and do abortions at 8 months .... ridiculous.

Makes it hard to have any kind of conversation.
On the abortion issue, there are those that want 8 month abortions to be legal. In fact there are those that sought to continue partial birth abortions as a legal option.
Late to the party... original poster didn't want to "start a flame war" :laugh::laugh:
...how'd that work out for you?;)

To the original question... not much changes on day one... but a good rule of thumb would be taking a look at the current gas prices and do some historical research. Just a rule of thumb.

When you take out the personalities of it, it becomes real simple and obvious... ideas have consequences. :yes:

By the way... "you can keep your current health plan" ... so I guess nothing changes. :wideeyed: