Whatever happened to John Galt?

And if you weren't as dumb as a rock you would know those aren't the leads he was selling.

geez sounds to me like you have some closet homo syndrome with this guy. talking smack about a man when aint here to respond screams loser and manchild. it makes you look very very small.
The specific discussion in the past had nothing to do with what's on his site today. I think JG is still the record holder for lost arguments, but he did yell a lot.

wow, some of u idiots are the last ones id want to be in a foxhole with. low steroid soy boy beta males
Not so much about sticking up for him, but about calling out the pots who are calling out the kettles.

Good to see some objective posts in here rather than my buddies vs your buddies herp derp... and then packing up the bats when their buddy gets in trouble.

wow, some of u idiots are the last ones id want to be in a foxhole with. low steroid soy boy beta males

What's your barbell bench press and barbell back squat?