Whats a Good Telephone Sales Life Comp to Work With?

Let me translate this: "I want someone who will (a) train me AND (b) spend thousands on marketing for me - taking a risk, without me putting skin in the game. Oh. And no way will I guarantee production. I'm new after all! (And when I don't make 6 figures, I want to blame management)" Ok. Good luck with that....

It's the new Bernie Sanders agency.
Since I am new, I expect to pay for the training, anyone looking for the get rich quick with no experience is fooling themselves. Take your lumps earn a decent living, and enjoy your experience, it is what you put into it. Put a mirror in front of yourself while you are on the phone and SMILE, it does wonders to your sales.
Since I am new, I expect to pay for the training, anyone looking for the get rich quick with no experience is fooling themselves. Take your lumps earn a decent living, and enjoy your experience, it is what you put into it. Put a mirror in front of yourself while you are on the phone and SMILE, it does wonders to your sales.

I like looking at myself through the webcam while I'm talking too! ;-)