What's that Smell?

Stories like these make me glad to be a P&C agent. I get some weird ones but not ones that make my skin crawl like some of these.
Just starting out in FE and enjoy almost everything about the business. I have little problem going into some rather dirty homes and talking to folks. However, on a few occasions in the worst homes, I sometimes encounter an acrid, ammonia-like odor that hits me like tear gas. I can hardly stay in the house. Worst yet, it gets into my clothes and stays with me for the rest of the day. What is that smell, and how do deal with it?

Do what we do in EMS, a little Vick's in the nostrils....:D
My dad, who worked for Metlife for 32 years before retiring had some good stories. The funniest is when he was in an elderly widow's home. Her dining room light was burnt out so she asked my dad if he would change the bulb. He happily agreed, scooted a chair under the bulb and climbed up. While he was unscrewing the bulb, his slacks decided they were no longer snug and hit the chair around his ankles leaving him standing on the chair in her dining room, bulb in hand, with pants around his feet. She politely smiled and thanked him for changing the bulb:)