Who are the go to companies these days?

I was looking at some quotes .

Did polish falcons raise there rates like 10% ? I just ran a lot of quotes and there now 5% more than family benefit and not really any cheaper than the pack . There's really no price busters with 1/2 decent underwriting anymore . Family benefit is few dollars cheaper per $10 k than a few .
Yeah, they raised them a while back. Most healthy folks can qualify for their instant decision WL via the eapp. It is cheaper than FBL.

Their FE WL is still priced well, considering their underwriting is closer to most standard-tier or graded products.
Age 65 ns $10k. Are the below quotes not correct ? There positioning is like that at most ages .


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That PFA price is incorrect. Their old pricing has not been updated on several apps. $10k would be $42.59 for a very healthy NS male that age on their FU/WL app.
That PFA price is incorrect. Their old pricing has not been updated on several apps. $10k would be $42.59 for a very healthy NS male that age on their FU/WL app.
How about there fe price non underwritten price ? Is that not the correct price . Most fe people that fill out kead cards in so so to bad health
It's a few cents off. But some other apps have them off by a lot more. It's best to use the PFA app to quote, unless their health is really shaky.
It's a few cents off. But some other apps have them off by a lot more. It's best to use the PFA app to quote, unless their health is really shaky.
So the rate I'm showing is about 10% more than there fe rates 6-10 months ago . So they raised fe non underwritten substantially . There basically the same pricing as the rest for the avg fe not great health person
Yes, they're a mid-packer for FE-health folks. Their eApp is super nice, though. I got hung up today on MOO and Trans Express due to bad signals. PFA declined, so that's moot. But I want to get it done as quickly as possible while in the home. PFA is rarely a good option for smokers, but sometimes surprises me.