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Who Has the Best Life Leads?

Good Morning to all....

Just thought I'd throw this up to see what kind of feedback I can get. I'm being barraged by Lead companies. What I'd like to ask is who seems to provide the best and most consistent Life leads.

1. Netquote-seems to have good leads. Have made a few sales
2. InsuranceLeads-good interface but not very good leads.
3. InsureMe-A BankRate company
4. insweb.com-AgentInsider leads
5. HomeTown-I've heard good things.

If I can get some feedback, I'd appreciate it.

Hope everyone had a productive week.


As with any lead company your mileage will vary depending on the zips you're using and what they are doing.

I also think you look at other aspects from these companies as well. What is their return policy? Eliminate any who cap returns. Also any that make getting a honest return where you've done your footwork a hassle. Can't tell you how many companies lost my business because the person handling the credit request was too fing lazy to read the notes with the request, which would have made it a slam dunk. I mean to point out a lead has been DEAD for almost a year with a link to the obit, shouldn't be met with "we called and got an answering machine".

Refund policy... I decided against several vendors who state in their agents contract that they will never refund your money should you part ways. They will only provide leads.

Up front cash commitment from the agent.. depends on how much money you want to sink into some company that may not refund your money (see above)? This forum is full of agents who fronted several thousand dollars to lead companies, only to be burned or completely frustrated. This is a personal agent's decision. For me, if I can't start it for a hundred or so, I'm not really interested. And screw 'set up fee" companies where they charge you $500 to open your account to charge you for leads.

These situations exist because there are just enough dumb agents to fall into these snares. Some agents have trouble walking away or think if it costs more, it must be better...
It's funny how sometimes just saying no thanks changes everything. Looked at one recently with that $500 set up fee, combined with expensive lead costs. First conversation "yea, all this is firm", passed on the deal. A week later, "well we can waive your set up fee and charge you less for leads if you get started right now". Can't heading out for vacation, will the deal still be there when I get back? "sure".

I haved used a bunch of lead providers over the years and really it comes down to how much hassle are you going to put infront of me, when I searched the lead and found it to be fake? If you're not going to review the proof I found and I have to call you to make you go over it to get my credit, I don't want to do business with you.

I use HTQ as my primary source of internet leads for all the reasons stated above. They are pretty fair to deal with. Not that I haven't chewed Bob's arse every so often. But those times are few and far between when comparing with others out there.

Now I wish he'd get his auto thing going so he can spend more time with life getting it to be more productive, but HTQ is a company I will hang onto as they are good to deal with when things aren't good. Because let's face it, internet leads have been on a quality decline for the past 3-5 years, so it has become how are you treated when you get a fake lead? A good lead, everybody's the same as you don't need them beyond the lead information. It is when you get a bad lead where service really applies. So far HTQ's are one of those whose service is up there.

There's your plug Bob, now finish up that dam auto stuff. ;)
I don't think there are any legit lead companies out there! You might as well do your own mailings/calls yourself. Unless you do your own mailings, where the lead comes back to you, all you will get from lead co's is a shared lead.:nah::no:
If you are wanting to get new life leads you might also want to look into 1 day old leads because you can get them at a very significantly lower price.
If you are wanting to get new life leads you might also want to look into 1 day old leads because you can get them at a very significantly lower price.

What vendors provide them? Agents might as well know so they don't make the mistake of buying from them. A day old? That is crazy to charge 15+ for lead and then resell it tomorrow.
So, I checked the "significantly lower prices mentioned above"...seems they want approximately $15 per lead too....doesn't seem like a good deal to me.:twitchy:

Wrong vendor. Ask Michael Norris (tampa bay rep) what he can do for you.
+1 on trying aged life leads. We've made a foray into life with a soft launch of our product, and these have worked out well for us. We've had particular success with aged final expense leads.

If you can swing it, I would recommend contacting someone who may get a bonus from their company for selling remnant leads, and try to work out a rev share where you pay on the closed policy.
+1 on trying aged life leads. We've made a foray into life with a soft launch of our product, and these have worked out well for us. We've had particular success with aged final expense leads.

If you can swing it, I would recommend contacting someone who may get a bonus from their company for selling remnant leads, and try to work out a rev share where you pay on the closed policy.

I'd be surprised if anyone would do a revenue share.