Why a Cluster or Aggregator? What Other Options Are There

Make the correct choice and the agent has direct code, direct access, overrides, ownership, share in Profit agreements, ext.

Make the wrong choice and your comments above have some truth.
I'll start with this:

Worst concert I have ever been too: Kiss

Second, I am here to participate in conversation. I am currently participating in a conversation about fees and am in no way conversing about the Cluster I work for.

I wrote this current thread as a way of suggesting that I meet agents all day long that don't consider all of their options and wanted to point out a few. I also point out these options as Agents speak with me in person.

If I am a "pimp", I am not too good at it.

I am glad you like the picture!
Mr. ShawnWalker let me tell you somethings...you like many others before you take yourself way to seriously for your own good...and 2. If its too loud, you are too old....!
I love my cluster....

I have had reps tell me they wont add a new agency UNLESS they are part of a cluster....

I referred an agent to my cluster they chose a different one, and they call me all the time, can you do this, can you do this, I say yes every time, then i say try this place or etc, they say, we dont get this or that etc, i say you joined the wrong cluster, its NOT ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY!

Are you willing to tell us the name of your cluster?
Shawn, thanks for investing your time to share your thoughts. I find them helpful. In my first career I worked for the holding company that owner Travelers so I have a clue about the insurance business and to that point I find your arguments have validity. Please keep writing as it is a help to all with an open mind.
I was terminated from a captive company and was desperate for appointments. This alliance worked very well for me and I have no problem with the upfront or monthly fees. It has been three years and I have grown substantially! (Yes, thanks to them).

But....now I would like more control of my own destiny and have been researching the termination clause. OUCH!!! (of course I didn't read it when I signed - we only talked entry fee and monthly fee!)

It is not very clear can someone help??? It sys the fee is 25% of last twelve months then in the next section the "formula shall be multiplied by 2!!!"

IS IT 50% TO GET OUT??? HELP!!!!
the one I signed a confidentiality agreement with. do you know in simple terms what it costs to get out early???