Why Ask for Two Leads at Closing Ask for 130


1000 Post Club
When I use to close a client I would say, "I just saved you $892, will you take these two business cards and give them to friends or Family and help feed my starving Family."- Roughly.

If I were to close now I would state, "I just saved you $892, will you post the email I just sent you on Facebook tonight."

The email would read- I just moved from Allhands, to Safemo and saved $892 without changing my coverage. My new agent is Shawn M. Walker and he can be reached at 720.335.3799. Give him a call to save.

The average person on Facebook has 130 friends.

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When I used to close a client I would say, "I just saved you $892, will you take these two business cards and give them to friends or Family and help feed my starving Family."- Roughly.

If I were to close now I would state, "I just saved you $892, will you post the email I just sent you on Facebook tonight."

The email would read- I just moved from Allhands, to Safemo and saved $892 with changing my coverage. My new agent is Shawn M. Walker and he can be reached at 720.335.3799. Give him a call to safe.

The average person on Facebook has 130 friends.


Good idea. Although I would make sure my email was gramatically correct, unlike yours.
Worth a shot, but I don't think people feel comfortable sharing on facebook how much they saved, makes them look like a sucker for overpaying imo

I don't know about that my wife is sharing lots of stupid stuff on Facebook everyday though she might easily post a photo of some strange shape her cereal made over an insurance ad.
When I use to close a client I would say, "I just saved you $892, will you take these two business cards and give them to friends or Family and help feed my starving Family."- Roughly.

If I were to close now I would state, "I just saved you $892, will you post the email I just sent you on Facebook tonight."

The email would read- I just moved from Allhands, to Safemo and saved $892 without changing my coverage. My new agent is Shawn M. Walker and he can be reached at 720.335.3799. Give him a call to save.

The average person on Facebook has 130 friends.


Excellent idea!! I just closed a sale earlier today and after reading this post I emailed the lady letting her know I love referrals and if she loved what I gave her, could she simply post a quick note on her facebook. She said "ABSOLUTELY" I simply gave her 2 sentences to post along with my name and number! Worked like a charm! I am gonna start doing this with all my new clients!!

Obviously if they bought from me, they like me and the product and should have no problem making a quick post to facebook with my name and number. I love it!!! Thanks!
Glad I could help! Let us know if you get any calls from the post. When you retweet the idea give me the props. HAHAAHA!

By the way this is one of my points about buying leads. Why buy when you can put a few great ideas into practice to fill your own pipeline using the internet to your advantage.
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