Why Cant I Send a Pm to Anyone

You can always go to the Introductions section and introduce yourself. It serves 2 purposes. It gives you an opportunity to let people know who you are and it adds to your post count.


True, except for the 'adds to your post count' part. :embarrassed:
Idk too much of a hassle for me. I think there are more efficient ways to stop spammers

Yes, but this is a sight run by insurance agents. They think if they can get 20 posts (contacts) from you, you'll buy something. Remember it's a numbers game. ;)

Seriously, you obviously want info from one member. You have 2 choices keep posting, or look for their contact info. I've only been here a short while and have seen numerous spam posts. When I ran my own web based business years ago, fighting spam ate up a lot of time and resources. Having to make a few posts before pm'ing someone is a small hassle, but effective. Not having posts count in the Introductions section is ridiculous in my opinion. But, it's not my forum.
