sman Your post got me questioning my memory (old guy with chemo brain) so when I went to the store, I drooped by the office so I could access the production list. Couldn't pull up last years but I could pull up the current year production through register 02/13/2012 (7 weeks). I was shocked by what I found.
The list includes the top 250 agents.. The 250th agent had 19,385 (that is an average of $2700 per week issue (not production). There were 44 agents that had in excess of 50k and 7 of those had over 100K. the top agent in CA08 district had $716,842.. How in the blazes does a captive agent with AGLA issue over 100k per week?
The top AM had $743,862. (one agent issued $716,842 of it).
Based on these figures they will have quite a few agents making over 250K this year.
BTW, most of the top producers have names I can't pronounce. AGLA is making a great inroads in the Asian-American and other ethnic markets
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My first hitch with them (NL&A) was 1971 - 1976.. 3 yrs agent, 2 staff. Made the conventions in Hawaii and Madrid as an agent but none as staff. Left, started a L&H agency. Went back in 2005 -2010 because I was uninsuraable and had lost my health coverage. Retired adn now get two little retirement checks from them. Have kept a special rep contract with them and still write some with them from time to time. The detached staff office is only 2 miles from the house and I can use it at anytime so it works out pretty good for me.
The list includes the top 250 agents.. The 250th agent had 19,385 (that is an average of $2700 per week issue (not production). There were 44 agents that had in excess of 50k and 7 of those had over 100K. the top agent in CA08 district had $716,842.. How in the blazes does a captive agent with AGLA issue over 100k per week?
The top AM had $743,862. (one agent issued $716,842 of it).
Based on these figures they will have quite a few agents making over 250K this year.
BTW, most of the top producers have names I can't pronounce. AGLA is making a great inroads in the Asian-American and other ethnic markets
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I was in a district a little south of Atlanta my entire 8 years. One of the coolest things that I got to do was have dinner with Joe Kelley (former CEO). I was one of the leading Sales Manager's one year and he came to Atlanta and took me and another sales manager out to eat. He had some great stories about his days at Alabama. Especially about when he was an assistant coach for Bear Bryant.
I doubt very seriously that I could make the same money I do as an independent at AGLA.
My first hitch with them (NL&A) was 1971 - 1976.. 3 yrs agent, 2 staff. Made the conventions in Hawaii and Madrid as an agent but none as staff. Left, started a L&H agency. Went back in 2005 -2010 because I was uninsuraable and had lost my health coverage. Retired adn now get two little retirement checks from them. Have kept a special rep contract with them and still write some with them from time to time. The detached staff office is only 2 miles from the house and I can use it at anytime so it works out pretty good for me.
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