Why Not Single Payer

Of course the big issue is that pesky old document, the constitution. I can't seem to find the article that states the feds have any authority of the health insurance market.
Of course the big issue is that pesky old document, the constitution. I can't seem to find the article that states the feds have any authority of the health insurance market.

Nor for Obamacrap, Drug use, etc. Too bad the Constitution is no longer the law of the land.

Tell me what % of our population does not have access to a non ER doctor right now.

Hint, its below 15%, and that is only because some states refused to expand Medicaid so people making above Medicaid cut off, but below ACA Subsidy cut off, got left out in the cold.

We are already on a single payor system. Its just an unnecessarily convoluted system with may different ways of paying for it and many different "programs" or "systems" within the system.

Look at Obamacare and the PCP's, big crisis there! Most people can't keep their doctors, or at least find a good doctor in-network for primary care without travelling 20 miles.
Look at Obamacare and the PCP's, big crisis there! Most people can't keep their doctors, or at least find a good doctor in-network for primary care without travelling 20 miles.

Your talking about a small fraction of this country. That problem is very region/state specific.

Also, 20 miles is about a 20 minute drive. I would not call that a "crisis".

Also, you said low income people dont deserve the same care a the mid-high income people who pay the majority of taxes. So how does your response even make sense in relation to your original comment? By your words, that "crisis" is what they should have...
I have used both the systems in my lifetime.

Both were adequate.

Both resolved my health issue.

Niether are/were perfect.

Single Payer won't work here because its "me" not "we" for the most part.
April 24, 2017

A couple of days ago, conservative columnist George Will said it's becoming more likely that America will go straight from ObamaCare to Single-Payer, because repealing/replacing ObamaCare would "disproportionately" hurt Trump supporters.

Excerpt from: https://www.rawstory.com/2017/04/wa...ngle-payer-because-of-this-inconvenient-fact/

""George Will realized that America's health care reality means that not only is Obamacare unrepealable but that we are on our way to a single-payer system.

He seemed resigned to the fact that the failed market-based health care system he wants to retain is likely dying a slow qualified death.

"Barack Obama said as a candidate that he would prefer a single-payer plan but couldn't get there," George Will said. "As President when they were going through the Obamacare agonies, he said, look upon Obamacare as a starter home.

What does Donald Trump say? 'Single-payer works fine in Scotland.'

So I don't see any particular animus he has as you say against a single-payer plan. And, what we've learned in this debate about repealing Obamacare is that the essence of Obamacare is the expansion of Medicaid.

Who has benefited from that? Probably disproportionately white working-class males, Trump voters."

It's about time that Conservatives come to the realization that those that benefit the most from the policies enacted by Progressives are people in the Red States (here & here).

Ironically if Trump, Ryan, and their Republican cohort were successful in repealing Obamacare and instituting their draconian health care policies, their constituents would bear the brunt of the pain.

While that eventuality would likely flip both the House and Senate, it is something we cannot wish on our brothers and sisters who bought into the lie.""

What does Donald Trump say? 'Single-payer works fine in Scotland.'

AKA, "I don't have to pay for insurance for my Scotland employees, it's fine by me"

Every day that goes by, it becomes more clear that Trump doesn't have a solid knowledge of the markets, forces, and laws surrounding the industry. He made a lot of claims, and a lot of promises, and has failed to deliver or been proven wrong on almost every one.
AKA, "I don't have to pay for insurance for my Scotland employees, it's fine by me"

Every day that goes by, it becomes more clear that Trump doesn't have a solid knowledge of the markets, forces, and laws surrounding the industry. He made a lot of claims, and a lot of promises, and has failed to deliver or been proven wrong on almost every one.

It is disappointing that Donald Trump doesn't care to learn details and nuances, but many health agents don't know them either. He's doing well with things that don't require Congress's help though.
It is disappointing that Donald Trump doesn't care to learn details and nuances, but many health agents don't know them either. He's doing well with things that don't require Congress's help though.

Actually, I dislike most things that Trump has done. I talked to a person here who is from Yemen - you know, one of the many places where thee are wars and bombs going off. I asked what he thinks about the current administration and eventually made the comment "most Muslims are not terrorists". He said "thank you".

I then followed up recounting how a Christian friend at the gym thinks all are terrorists because of what he's heard 2nd hand about the Quran saying to kill infedels bla,bla,bla. My friend got pissed off when I asked whether he'd read the Quran when most Christians don't even read the bible and only hear parts of it if they go to church. (Christmas and Easter don't count as "going".)

Trump has been like a rudderless boat going full out to nowhere. His Muslim ban is locked in the courts as it should be, ACA repeal failed because there is no plan, his wall is going unfunded and would be a waste, the list goes on. He is promoting old dirty technology of coal and oil while letting China get ahead on solar. Hopfully, USD will still be good in a few years and we can continue to buy from China. Trump can make noise and send more of our kids to get shot at and can take out an airstrip - for a day but not much else legislatively. He can screw up the courts by letting it become imbalanced. He can also spend a lot of our money flying to FL to promote his golf course. Then there is the noise to deport to Mexico at a time when we have a net negative migration. That's causing concern and upping the police presence which I consider freedom erosion. Hopefully, we'll get out without much more erosion of freedoms - but every little bit hurts.
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Actually, I dislike most things that Trump has done. I talked to a person here who is from Yemen - you know, one of the many places where thee are wars and bombs going off. I asked what he thinks about the current administration and eventually made the comment "most Muslims are not terrorists". He said "thank you".

I then followed up recounting how a Christian friend at the gym thinks all are terrorists because of what he's heard 2nd hand about the Quran saying to kill infedels bla,bla,bla. My friend got pissed off when I asked whether he'd read the Quran when most Christians don't even read the bible and only hear parts of it if they go to church. (Christmas and Easter don't count as "going".)

Trump has been like a rudderless boat going full out to nowhere. His Muslim ban is locked in the courts as it should be, ACA repeal failed because there is no plan, his wall is going unfunded and would be a waste, the list goes on. Yes, he can send more of our kids to get shot at and can take out an airstrip - for a day but not much else legislatively. He can screw up the courts by letting it become imbalanced. He can also spend a lot of our money flying to FL to promote his golf course. Hopefully, we'll get out without much erosion of freedoms.

Hey Junkman please go back to Obamaville!