Under the current way individual insurance is offered, there really isn't room for more than one carrier. If national trusts are involved where people could buy insurance from the trust it is conceivable that multiple carriers could be involved.
The current system involving 50 blocks of business without aggregation for rating purposes, multiple carriers aren't feasible.
With regard to Aetna , they have been and out of the individual health business over the last 30 years or so and never demonstrated they had a handle on it, even when they were allowed to underwrite. I can't imagine Obamacare has made them any smarter.
The current system involving 50 blocks of business without aggregation for rating purposes, multiple carriers aren't feasible.
With regard to Aetna , they have been and out of the individual health business over the last 30 years or so and never demonstrated they had a handle on it, even when they were allowed to underwrite. I can't imagine Obamacare has made them any smarter.