Why there are so many baptised christian FE prospects in the South.

I try to post helpful truthful info up here, and I'm a peaceful kind of guy, but when someone verbally attacks me I respond back in likeness.

No one attacks you at all. IN fact you're the one resorts to name calling on a continuous basis.

You get upset when people share the 'cons' to Senior LIfe's products. It's sad you don't share these same cons to agents to begin with. As a supposed 'manager' you should be doing this yourself.
No one attacks you at all. IN fact you're the one resorts to name calling on a continuous basis.

You get upset when people share the 'cons' to Senior LIfe's products. It's sad you don't share these same cons to agents to begin with. As a supposed 'manager' you should be doing this yourself.

You attacked me directly by my first and last name. Last week you were attacking EFES. Who is next?