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Will Exchanges Be Delayed Too?


5000 Post Club
RUH ROH....................

Officials warn of Obamacare insurance exchange delays | Reuters

(Reuters) - Two U.S. government officials warned on Wednesday that the launch of new state healthcare exchanges could potentially be delayed, raising further doubts about the implementation of President Barack Obama's signature legislation.
Alan Duncan, an auditor with the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, an Internal Revenue Service agency that monitors performance, said testing the systems needed to implement the exchanges "will be difficult to complete" by the October 1 start date.
"The lack of adequate testing could result in significant delays and errors in accepting and processing ... applications for health insurance coverage," he told the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform committee.
At the same hearing, Government Accountability Office official John Dicken said the amount of work the federal government needs to do in each state has yet to be determined, raising the risk of missing deadlines. He added that the federal government and the states have already missed some deadlines.
Interesting. Today someone (Taverner?) testified before Congress that all went well with testing and all is on schedule.
President Obama proclaimed today in room full of people and press that October 1st is pretty much set in stone.

Excerpt from Transcript:
"The good news is that starting October 1st, new online marketplaces will allow consumers to go online and compare private health care insurance plans just like you’d compare over the Internet the best deal on flat-screen TVs, or cars, or any other product that is important to your lives.

And you’re going to see competition in ways that we haven’t seen before! Insurance companies will compete for your business! And in states that are working hard to make sure this law delivers for their people, what we’re seeing is that consumers are getting a hint of how much money they’re potentially going to save because of this law. In states like California, Oregon, Washington, new competition, new choices, market forces are pushing costs down."

Source: Transcript: Obama Remarks on Benefits of Health Law - Washington Wire - WSJ

In his California speech last month, I think the President said that the car may be missing a hubcap, but it will still get you where you want to go...or something like that. I just hope the ObamaCare Exchange Car doesn't have to be pulled to and thru October 1st by Sebelius Towing service.
President Obama proclaimed today in room full of people and press that October 1st is pretty much set in stone.

Excerpt from Transcript:
"The good news is that starting October 1st, new online marketplaces will allow consumers to go online and compare private health care insurance plans just like you’d compare over the Internet the best deal on flat-screen TVs, or cars, or any other product that is important to your lives.

And you’re going to see competition in ways that we haven’t seen before! Insurance companies will compete for your business! And in states that are working hard to make sure this law delivers for their people, what we’re seeing is that consumers are getting a hint of how much money they’re potentially going to save because of this law. In states like California, Oregon, Washington, new competition, new choices, market forces are pushing costs down."

Source: Transcript: Obama Remarks on Benefits of Health Law - Washington Wire - WSJ

In his California speech last month, I think the President said that the car may be missing a hubcap, but it will still get you where you want to go...or something like that. I just hope the ObamaCare Exchange Car doesn't have to be pulled to and thru October 1st by Sebelius Towing service.

Hmm...where have I seen a website that you can see all plans available side by side? :goofy:

Why, please tell me why is the president telling people that choosing a health plan will be like choosing a flat screen TV? I met with a woman today that after her husband passed, she was forced to find a plan on her own. She went to a health insurance exchange (did they really exist before Obama enlightened us!?!?!) and basically did an 'Eeny, meeny, miny, moe' type of process. Fortunately she picked an HSA plan with a relatively low deductible with a reputable carrier. What she didn't know is that she could open an HSA to set money aside to save money for health care expenses. You know why? No one there to tell her! She is now changing plans because Humana is leaving Iowa, and knows that she can now contribute 4250 (she's 61) and save for both her expenses (over the last five years has yet to spend more than a few hundred bucks per year) as well as save for additional retirement income. Imagine how much money she would have today if she had been maximizing her contributions for the past five years? Too bad she relied on using an exchange like ole prez is saying to do! :nah:

No offense, but that's an issue resolved with a very simple "overview" of what makes that plan unique. Existing bad design does not mean that future iterations will not be vastly improved.

I realize that was a quick example off the top of your head, but it's one with a very simple solution. Almost all of the issues we bring up about why an exchange isn't going to "get the best plan for someone" can be resolved with simple programming or data presentation.

Every question you ask can be asked on a computer. Once they figure out what to ask, they'll be set. With data from millions of people, and all their complaints tracked and coded, the refinement system that is possible blows us out of the water. Every permutation of screw-up will happen, and they'll have the data to tell them how to fix it.

If this works, 3-5 years out, it has the potential to be more effective than your standard issue broker. Unless you're the cream of the crop, I'd bet a computer can do your job.
This reminds me of a story a college professor told about his summer job (while a college student) working for AMC. His job was to drive new Gremlins off the assembly line and park them for transport.

Stories about brakes failing, a steering wheel coming off in his hand.

For those who have no idea about AMC or Gremlin, click the links.

3-5 years out, it has the potential to be more effective than your standard issue broker. Unless you're the cream of the crop, I'd bet a computer can do your job.

Now that's funny.

You should be on a stage.

One is leaving in 5 minutes.
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I can't give a source or validate accuracy, apparently some third party survey they did when developing their product line, but at our big Blues pow-wow yesterday, they said 68% of people prefer to deal face to face when picking a health plan.

And 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommend Trident...
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68% of people prefer to deal face to face when picking a health plan.

FWIW, I have been doing mostly phone sales for 20+ years. I an probably count on one hand, possibly two, the number of folks who would not buy unless I came to see them.