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Will Exchanges Be Delayed Too?

Personally, I think it's great that all important information on every American citizen will be public. It will be so convenient to be able to pull up STD test results of girls I meet instead of hoping they tell the truth. I'll finally know how old all the women in my office are (I've got a sneaking suspicion they're not all 39). It'll be hilarious to check in on all my church-going friends and see who had an abortion. I'll even know who gets prescribed the cool drugs!

Isn't it great that we no longer have anything to hide? It will all be public knowledge soon, can't you feel the weight off your shoulders?

Sarcasm aside, this stuff really is going to be public. They just put a huge target on the back, and there's going to be thousands of hackers trying to hit it. Anything online is public as far as I'm concerned. I don't think it will take a week for all the information to be leaked, or for it to be shut down.
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Sarcasm aside, this stuff really is going to be public. They just put a huge target on the back, and there's going to be thousands of hackers trying to hit it. Anything online is public as far as I'm concerned. I don't think it will take a week for all the information to be leaked, or for it to be shut down.

That's actually a disturbing thought that I hadn't really had before. It would be quite a prize to tap into the exchange database and get private information on millions of US citizens off a Government overseen sight. Talk about a slap in the face! Let's hope that doesn't actually happen.
Our concerns over privacy and security of the data are valid concerns because...

"During a hearing last week, members of the House Oversight Committee grilled officials from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) about the status of security and privacy controls being built into the infrastructure of the federal system.

"Are you 100 percent finished establishing appropriate privacy protections?" Rep. Scott DesJarlais asked skeptically, with reference to the GAO report.
"No, we are not," replied the administration's point man on the build out of the exchanges, Henry Chao, the deputy director of the Office of Information Services at CMS."

And the California Exchange Commissioner says that he...

"has been especially concerned about the recruitment and screening of new workers, so-called navigators, who will be involved in helping people literally navigate the process of applying for insurance coverage.

The navigator system is built into the Obamacare outreach process, and the federal and state exchanges are expected to enlist tens of thousands of of new workers. In California, the state's exchange is expected to hire 21,000 of these workers to help enroll an expected 2 million new uninsured residents."

Source: Could Obamacare be boon for identity thieves?

I feel much better now, the government hasn't finished it and they have a sub-par track record with their digital security. We all have heard of the "leaks" and "hacks" that have hit every single government agency in the past few years.

It's not out of the question for a "hacktivist" attack to occur either, with the intention of just screwing stuff up. They have shut down tried and true systems. Bank of America, Sony, MSN, etc. have all been put down at some point. This trainwreck should be no problem to tip off the tracks.
This whole concept of Navigators is so ridiculous and will be so open to abuse it defies comprehension.

Consumers, by and large, don't trust insurance agents who have at least gone through a licensing process (although it's a pretty low bar to step over) and have background checks run every time you get appointed. Now there are going to be a whole new set of people 'helping' with no licensing requirements and who will be hired at the last minute.

There will be so many media stories about abuse from Navigators over the next couple of years it will make heads spin.
This whole concept of Navigators is so ridiculous and will be so open to abuse it defies comprehension.

Consumers, by and large, don't trust insurance agents who have at least gone through a licensing process (although it's a pretty low bar to step over) and have background checks run every time you get appointed. Now there are going to be a whole new set of people 'helping' with no licensing requirements and who will be hired at the last minute.

There will be so many media stories about abuse from Navigators over the next couple of years it will make heads spin.

My opinion is the clamp will go down as soon as "I got screwed" stories start to emerge.

We saw how CMS overreacted to stories of "I got screwed" by seniors. When I worked at the very beginning of the energy deregulation, all 6 states I was working in passed legislation in response to "I just got screwed."

So all it will take is a few bad navigators and all of a sudden you'll see their role and authority regarding what they can and can't do reduced significantly.
What planet do you guys live on? The liberal press will be silent about these navigator identity thefts. Those were cute hopeful thoughts though, thanks for the chuckle
My opinion is the clamp will go down as soon as "I got screwed" stories start to emerge.

We saw how CMS overreacted to stories of "I got screwed" by seniors. When I worked at the very beginning of the energy deregulation, all 6 states I was working in passed legislation in response to "I just got screwed."

So all it will take is a few bad navigators and all of a sudden you'll see their role and authority regarding what they can and can't do reduced significantly.

I bet we hear twice as many "I got screwed" stories about agents as we do navigators.
What planet do you guys live on? The liberal press will be silent about these navigator identity thefts. Those were cute hopeful thoughts though, thanks for the chuckle

We still have Drudge Report and Fox news;-)

Even if they decided today to go with paper apps they would not have the time to have them printed before 10-1.

Maybe they should rename this "ClusterCare"