Will Obama Care Now Be Cancelled?

yep, if I were a betting man, its gone January 1st 2018

And replaced with what? The Republican plan of vouchers and buying across state lines is unworkable in it's current form.

Plus there are lots of parts that the population in general likes. If they start cutting and slashing with no concern they will lose control of the Senate and House two years from now.

Trump himself has said he intends to leave some parts of it in place.

So yea I'll take that bet.
It will take 2 years to unravel and replace.

Obamacare took over a year to cobble together, with all the political payoff's and lies, excuse me, promises, to the health insurance industry. Another 4 yrs to completely implement.

And it still doesn't work for most people.

Even with conservative jurists, don't expect a restart on Medicaid expansion. More likely a Medicaid-like plan paid for with federal tax dollars.

If they are smart they will establish a national risk pool for sick folks and let the carriers return to a simplified underwritten product.

By the time this is implemented I don't see carriers that have abandoned Obamacare come back to the Trumpcare party. By 2019 (when things will probably be put in place) expect pretty much the same players as you see in 2017.
Originally Posted by myinsurebiz View Post

You would think they would or at least same rails as Med Sups ride. < 65 have to more cost effective you would think just based on health conditions.


does anybody else have any idea what he's trying to say?

Was saying just use the Med Sup concept to cover everyone. It works with the least healthy of all age bands 65 > so why not . . . When you turn 18 or are no longer covered on Parents plan - you get GI plan - then move it around every so many years if you remain healthy . . . If not - stay where you are. They need premium caps tho . . .

Or - just do a Federal Medicade system for those that have pre-exisiting or can not afford a monthly premium . . .
Originally Posted by myinsurebiz View Post

You would think they would or at least same rails as Med Sups ride. < 65 have to more cost effective you would think just based on health conditions.

Was saying just use the Med Sup concept to cover everyone. It works with the least healthy of all age bands 65 > so why not . . . When you turn 18 or are no longer covered on Parents plan - you get GI plan - then move it around every so many years if you remain healthy . . . If not - stay where you are. They need premium caps tho . . .

Or - just do a Federal Medicade system for those that have pre-exisiting or can not afford a monthly premium . . .

So you want to expand medicare?

Hate the idea, but that is probably what will eventually happen.

Better idea would be to phase out medicare, and medicaid completely. Get the government out of the market, and it will in time, fix it self.
Just don't think a Country as great as America should not be able to care for it's people . . . Have an additional sales tax % on the federal level to cover health care costs . . .

So you want to expand medicare?

Hate the idea, but that is probably what will eventually happen.

Better idea would be to phase out medicare, and medicaid completely. Get the government out of the market, and it will in time, fix it self.

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