Work Life Balance - the unwind side?


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I saw a post on a Facebook page that asked about burnout. Burnout, Slump, Depression, The wall. Whatever we call it many of us have hit it more than once. Been a while for me.

I know guys that run, bike, kayak, sing, karaoke and a lot of other stuff. What are some ideas and what do you do.

Me, I like to road trip regularly and for the last few years fly a few times a year. And chase live bands in small venues and see historic sites I haven't seen.

I may quit working in a few years. But not quit yet. I get bored. And I can not abandon my people.

New agents - slumps and burnout are real. And they hurt.
I am sitting in a restaurant having breakfast. A couple of tables over is a family. The guy looks several years younger than me. The wife and daughter are gently feeding him. Looks like a stroke.

My youngest brother had a major stroke at 59. Right side and speech gone till he died.

I think I need to fill up my gas tank.

Do it, till can't.

I am in that slump. Two big cases went south, my lead vendor, who once was good, now sucks and I am seriously considering working as a captive agent selling FE over the phone. Please someone tell me to stop it and get out there selling again....and I'm sorry about your brother, really. Lost mine a few years back, really makes you think about how important our job is selling life insurance.
I am in that slump. Two big cases went south, my lead vendor, who once was good, now sucks and I am seriously considering working as a captive agent selling FE over the phone. Please someone tell me to stop it and get out there selling again....and I'm sorry about your brother, really. Lost mine a few years back, really makes you think about how important our job is selling life insurance.

I have been in some deep ruts and slumps were I could not give it away. Honestly though it has been years. But yeah, they hurt. Everyone works it different. Some people double down and power through. Others take a few days away to refresh.

Sometimes I just needed to talk to people that liked me or at least didn't hate me. My book of business. I would just start calling through it. "Hi Sue, this is Wino Blues your Life Insurance guy, how are you?" I would just ask them about bene changes, and do a quick review of what they have and why they bought it. Then start doing add-ons. Just have to be careful that you control the time. My goal was to get them to ask me for more Insurance. I wanted to be their guy. That is how I would up being 95% phone.

I was sole support for a wife and three kicks. The pressure was there. I almost quit and got a J O B a few times. I am so glad I am not good employee material.

Now I am mostly FU. Longer process, but much larger cases and very few time wasters.

Your best lead list is in your file cabinets. Someone is going to contact them.
Thanks, I needed that and funny you brought that up, I just took down my client folders and thought I get my crap together tomorrow, stop with the stinking thinking and call for exactly that, bene changes and any updates they may have. Thanks again, I know I can be successful again, I have to be, I am also the sole supporter.
Uhhh hi there WincoBlues, it's Special Agent Elliot Becker here.

I for one find insurance quite uhh relaxing... I don't see how anyone could get burnt out from this fun and rewarding career. I wake up every day feeling like the luckiest boy alive.

There are people out there making millions of dollars to talk about action figures on TikTok, but little did they know, they could make an average living just selling something as simple and relaxing as insurance.

Haha.. what a well kept secret this industry is.
