WoW...After Only 2mos in This Biz, Ive Seen It All Now!!

No problem...I don't know if your use of the term 'politically correct' was meant to be in an pejorative fashion or not but.....
I feel, if we can educate ourselves to have proper etiquette when addressing someone else...why not?

If an "indian" prefers Native American, why not respect the request.

I mean just because Columbus didn't know where the f*ck he was and 'they' didn't have enough 'political juice' to say...
'hey, guys we're really NOT from India' until this era of 'politically correctness'...... doesn't mean we should be upset or ignore the word CORRECT in the term politically correct.

If a 'fat beetch" wants to be called a 'BBW' or 'plus size' or 'full figured' instead...........
it's probably "PC"
but it's also proper etiquette and good manners.
I think in our distaste for 'overreaching' rules we've forgotten that some aspects of being "PC" should not only be welcomed but were always part of the 'home training' that MOST of our mothers taught us.

We, Americans have this elitist attitude that we can't be corrected 'because we've ALWAYS done "it" this way'....well folks things CHANGE. Why we fight, so hard for some changes and easily accept others is amazing to me....when in all essence the truth is, the sun is going to rise whether I say 'midget' or 'little person' but if guy request to be called a 'little person' vs what I grew up saying what's the f*cking harm? Ok , you're a 'little person' no biggie.

The Washington Bullets want to be called the Wizards, what i'm going to fight 'em it?

C'mon ppl
Prudes STOP reading: You've been warned...

Flight attendant isn't PC, it might just be a overdo correction......

Who knows, is it that big a long as I get my drink...

If a chick wants to be called a lady, instead of a c*cksmoker,
so be it as long as she gets the job done correctly...I'll be PC all day ;)

Good Lord man. Slow down, take a breath. There are much worse terms a person from Asia could be called beside "Oriental". I meant no disrespect. No need for the diatribe. Thanks for your concern though.