WSJ Article Medicare Advantage

Harsh article from WSJ today concerning overpayment by Medicare into Medicare Advantage Plans to the tune of $50 billion, with emphasis on shanigans from UHC. Specifically, MA plans would find illnesses, very questional diagnosis, and get paid a boatload extra.
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Already does. $350 Billion plus per year to subsidize free MAPD to line the pockets of insurance carriers.

People complain about how much individual fraud goes on in traditional Medicare.

But perhaps TM would have better resources to fight fraud if they had an extra $350,000,000,000 per year in their budget....

You have WAY too much faith in this criminal government, my friend. They would just misappropriate and steal those funds themselves, like they do with everything else.

For any and all faults of insurance companies (and don't get me wrong, they are far from perfect), they still have skin in the game, have to perform well for their members, and have to compete against other companies.

They have members/clients to answer to. Government does not. That's why they don't care. Government is the ultimate say/word.

They view taxpayer funds as an endless piggybank, which it is not. Which is one of the main reasons this country is in the crap financial shape it’s in.

They don't care about our money or protecting it. They care about their money.
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