Your Business Card

I'd hate to see the product that policy converts to.
Tell me what you think it looks like and why you think it looks that bad-- I'm assuming you think it is junk.

Why is everybody so cynical here? Should I get out while the getting is good?
Can't speak for others, but I would guess some of us here feel that hustling $25 a month kiddie policies is kind of....cheesy. YMMV.
It's a $25/year term policy good through age 16 and convertible to $50,000 of "any" permanent plan offered by the carrier.

Why are you such an ass? Why not go have another Margarita and fall off the balcony or something... :SLEEP:
United Heritage had one also. $25 yr for $10,000 and $50.yr for $20,000 or abouts.

They convert to any plan they have at age 25. up to 3x face. Usually around a $300 ann. premium/comission. Or you wind up selling them something else from another company. Gives you an opportunity to talk to Mom and Dad again also.

More importantly these kids have been covered. And able to convert to a polciy regardless of their health. Did one (conversion)that was in a coma.
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It's a $25/year term policy good through age 16 and convertible to $50,000 of "any" permanent plan offered by the carrier. /quote]

Could you send me info on the plan please.

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I'm not saying it's junk, it's just been my experience that cheaper term plans usually have very few conversion options. If this one can convert to any plan the carrier has, then it might be pretty good. Are you willing to share the carrier?
The BM conversion was actually pretty decent. A par whole life with good CV and dividend projections.

On the market for maybe a dozen years before they pulled it.

This wasn't like the Gerber plan for a buck. Actually a decent plan. Only reason to offer it was as a door opener.