Unless you have the/want to invest the money in a custom Sugar CRM, then ZOHO is the best option for most people.
First step is to define what features you want in a CRM.
It took a long time to set this up the way I wanted.
You're right on about defining what I need/want in a crm. For now, something simple and inexpensive, but with the option of upgrading, if needed. Don't want to deal with exporting/transferring data if I don't have to. I am leaning towards Zoho but also looking at Heap and Highrise.
What ultimately made you go with ZOHO over the rest?
Al,For the past 4 years I've been using SugarCRM with MySQL as the database (both free!.) It is installed on my web server (web host.) I also have a copy of each on my Mac. I have a "script" that runs on my server that "dumps" the database every half-hour. I have another script on my Mac that "goes" to up to my server every half-hour, downloads the latest copy the database and then re-loads the local version so they are both in sync... at least within a half hour.
To set up Sugar on the web host and locally is not too difficult. The bash (it's a programming language) back-up scripts are also easy and I'm happy to share them... however my bet is that there are a ton of them on the web... probably better than the ones I wrote!
I'm a big fan of awesome, but your setup seems just a tad too awesome for my current needs. I'm glad I can at least grasp the concept of combining cloud crm's and sql server databases but the implementation.. will most likely have to wait. I'll know who to bug when I'm ready though.