1035 Exchange Question


New Member
Can I 1035 the CV of a life insurance policy into two separate contracts? A portion going to a new Life policy and the other portion going into an immediate annuity. The owner and insured/annuitant would remain the same.
Can I 1035 the CV of a life insurance policy into two separate contracts? A portion going to a new Life policy and the other portion going into an immediate annuity. The owner and insured/annuitant would remain the same.

To the OP... you CAN do what you asked, a quick Google search confirms this.

However, you will NEVER be able to get the witty banter provided in this thread (at no cost I might add) through an internet search.

This is what we professionals refer to as "value added".

And in the interest of accuracy, the Battle of Hastings never actually happened. It was a propaganda campaign leaked to the press for the purpose of misdirection.