2014 ACA Enrollment Tips (Agents Helping Agents)

Tuesday June 24, 2014

Esteemed Colleauges,

I received the below e-mail/referral today. Decided to pick your brains before calling HC.gov, if required. Suggestions...guidance?

"Hi Mr. AC,
I was given your name and contact information by Mr. Smirnoff. I am looking to find health insurance coverage for my granddaughter, expected to arrive in September of 2014. Her mom (my daughter) is covered under our plan but our plan will not pick up coverage for a grandbaby. Mr. Smirnoff thought that you might be able to help me. Thanks!
Mrs. Grandma2b"

Thanks in advance!
tuesday june 24, 2014

esteemed colleauges,

i received the below e-mail/referral today. Decided to pick your brains before calling hc.gov, if required. Suggestions...guidance?

"hi mr. Ac,
i was given your name and contact information by mr. Smirnoff. I am looking to find health insurance coverage for my granddaughter, expected to arrive in september of 2014. Her mom (my daughter) is covered under our plan but our plan will not pick up coverage for a grandbaby. Mr. Smirnoff thought that you might be able to help me. Thanks!
Mrs. Grandma2b"

thanks in advance!


Illinois Children Health Insurance Plan a.k.a. Medicaid. Sounds like a plan. I'll run that by the grandma and see what she thinks. Gracias UNIC!


p.s. It's ironic that I had another referral earlier from a family who wants their granddaughter taken off of ICHIP/Medicaid as soon as possible, because there are scant few physicians accepting it in the Chicago area.
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Illinois Children Health Insurance Plan a.k.a. Medicaid. Sounds like a plan. I'll run that by the grandma and see what she thinks. Gracias UNIC!


p.s. It's ironic that I had another referral earlier from a family who wants their granddaughter taken off of ICHIP/Medicaid as soon as possible, because there are scant few physicians accepting it in the Chicago area.

De Nada...This is the sort of case it's actually meant for IMO
did I miss something/ trick question? write normal health insurance either on exchange or off and the effective date will be date of birth..... just be sure and use provider that are in the new plans network....

I still think I am missing something... should I re read your post?
Allen, what did you do with the kid coming off CHIP? I got a call yesterday, kid no longer qualifies. Mom and Pop started making more money. They don't have insurance, couldn't afford it before or missed OEP not sure which. Child only policy? Does the kid now have a QLE but not the parents?
Allen, what did you do with the kid coming off CHIP? I got a call yesterday, kid no longer qualifies. Mom and Pop started making more money. They don't have insurance, couldn't afford it before or missed OEP not sure which. Child only policy? Does the kid now have a QLE but not the parents?

According to Medicare.gov, someone in the family losing CHIP eligibility qualifies the family for an SEP.
Allen, what did you do with the kid coming off CHIP? I got a call yesterday, kid no longer qualifies. Mom and Pop started making more money. They don't have insurance, couldn't afford it before or missed OEP not sure which. Child only policy? Does the kid now have a QLE but not the parents?

CTG, I think you may have me confused with another agent. I'm not working with any family (at the moment) who's child is involuntarily being booted off ICHIP. But, this would qualify the little one for a Special Enrollment into an individual plan.

In response to the e-mail that I posted yesterday from a referral, after the baby is born, we are going to go the route that TaterPeeler suggested. Even though the family qualifies for ICHIP/Medicaid, the grandmother will purchase and pay the premiums for an off-exchange BCBS plan. Medicaid in this state (IL) is horrible, for a number of reasons.

Thanks to UNIC and Tater for your guidance and recommendations!