254,095 Producers on the Wall....

What is the compensation going to be? With less than 8 months until the October enrollment, I can't believe this has not been released. That is going to be the biggest driver of agent participation.
I was told not to expect agent commission numbers until at least summer. No carrier wants to be the one to blink first. I would not truly expect them until September.
You are so right that no carrier wants to blink first. So, even September would surprise me! I'll bet that Aetna is the first to release their commission, since they also were the first to notify us of the commission cuts after MLR was past. Then it's a "who can beat that" game. The commission schedules & bonuses will be very interesting. Of course the mirrored products in & out of the exchange will have the same commission, but the rest of the commission schedules & bonuses will tell us what the carriers really think is their target market.
Ask TaterPeeler. It's MAPD resurrected. Or perhaps it's a slippery slope into Medicare for All.