3 things I wish I knew starting out as a new agent

  1. Bad days happen. So do bad weeks and bad months, especially at the beginning, when you don't know what you don't know. You can't give up because of them.
  2. Recruiters are there to sell you a dream. The dream can come true, but realize they're selling you. Look out for you first, and make sure you read the contracts so you're not taken advantage of.
  3. Leads are no substitute for prospecting. There is no magic to getting started. You find the method that works for you to acquire clients, and you fine tune it to make it great. Think of people like Ben Feldman. He found a method that worked for him, and he killed it. Play to your strengths, and use them to bring in business.
I agree with this. I do think however, too many agents focus on commission levels. If you're in a situation where you get half the commission, but write three times the business, you're making 50% more income.

If you have the opportunity to work in an agency that provides a marketing system and support to make you an efficient machine at a lower commission, it may be your best starting point. This business is about volume. Too many agents walking around with top contracts and no sales.

Usually the low commission agencies are the same ones that offer no real lead systems or training. The reason that they have the lower commissions as because they feed a bunch of recruiters on multi levels between the Agency and the agent.

When an agent finds himself in that situation he just needs to move to an agency that pays higher commissions and teaches him how to sell and how to get Leads.

In this day and age agents should not be working on reduced commissions. Your chance of failing out in your first year is much greater if you aren't getting a competitive commission.
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