5' 4", 235 lb female

Well, there are medical issue for weight gain aside from just over-eating. I'm one to talk because I've been overweight and I give it to anyone who's properly maintaining their weight and has very low metabolism. It took me a while to get into to workout routine and watch my portions so I don't hold it against anyone for being large. One of the hardest things to do both physically and emotionally is lose a lot of weight. There have been studies done that for people who over-eat food has the same affect on the brain as cocaine.

Quite similar to working in sales. An old friend of mine and I came to the conclusion that the sales cycle is a lot like what a drug addict experiences (insert food, adrenaline junkies, etc. for the word drug). You search and search for the next client (drug), get rejected, abandoned, etc. and then you make a sale and feel elated, and then the cycle repeats. PErhaps a sales group similar to the 12 step program might be useful.
It has been my experience that women will lie about thier weight by about 20 pounds. If it is borderline I wouldn't bother.
better be careful senior you could get fired for saying that:D:D:D(me of course I have written it down and put it on my magnet on the"fridge"
Crash diets to get under the weight limit may not help. On the World app (as well as others), it asks "how much has your weight change in the past year" it then asks for the "cause of weight change".

I had a client who came in about 7 lbs. under the limit for rate up - she answered that she had lost 17 lbs during the year (self diet). UW took the weight change (17 lbs divided by 2 = 8.5) added it to her current weight and rated her up.

She can request that her policy be reviewed in 6 mths. - if she has medical records that show she has maintained her current weight, they could waive the rate up.