66 Year Old Female Cancer

I was told they are faster now... But faster for them could still mean 1-2mos.

Sent via my Sprint Galaxy S4 using Insurance Forums
Thanks for responding and addressing which specifics may play into obtaining coverage.

Non smoker (quit)
bladder cancer w excellent prognosis
cancer in current and client is undergoing treatment (surgery)
other health issues include heart attack appx 7 years ago...meds taken include blood pressure med., thyroid, and cholesterol. Not sure of the others she may take.

Would like to get $25k in coverage, but that may be difficult I'm guessing

GPM would accept her for GDB - 30%, 70%, 100% from day 1 CA diagnosis,, and good prognosis.
25K - 66 F n/s Graded = $ 143.39
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The new Gerber GI would work too.

Their new product seems to be pretty decent. A few comaprisons to Kemper rates it looked very competitive.
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