8 hours @ McDonalds vs 8 hours Selling Final Expense . . .

OK - lunch over. I'll turn it back over to The Zoo Keeper . . .

p.s. - compare my sig to many others. You don't see any recruiting CTA's do ya?

No. That's what I thought. LOL @ "being in the Offers Section" . . .

p.p.s. - you have to admit - this forum was dead as old brush until me and Amtrak came back . . . I'm sure Sam enjoys the extra Impression revenues.

I have to admit, I was routing for Tom when he came back this time. I guess he let me down again.

How did I let you down buddy?

We are protecting Families and providing for Families.

Not like we are scamming anyone . . .

Let's see where this is a year from now.
You keep posting this stuff but it would be better to give it a rest until you actually accomplish soothing.

Would you suggest he use topical application for this or perhaps or oral remedy. Perhaps some classical music played low. :laugh:

Love it...

And to that point, your aged into the business, isn't it amazing how much counseling we do in the field. Just finished meeting with my Friday men's group and we spoke about just that.
This is truly an amazing career.
Good. He is an *** and a complete waste of time.

I am thinking an oral remedy would do the trick. At least he couldn't talk.