8 hours @ McDonalds vs 8 hours Selling Final Expense . . .

Agreed. I've always liked Tom and hoped he would do well. I still do...if he ever actually figures it out. Maybe one day he will.

Thanks Todd.

We are staying focused on just SIWL for the Insurance Call Center. In the past - that was one of my issues - trying to do everything.

This go round - SIWL only. We have one Carrier for the newer Agents and two Carriers for experienced Agents.
Headed back out to the "Hood" to do a delivery... tell shonceman if he meets me there I'll take him out for coffee at McDonald's and we can meet up with myinsurebiz. If we can't fix the FE market at least we can work on a few of the world problems we face. :yes:
Would you suggest he use topical application for this or perhaps or oral remedy. Perhaps some classical music played low. :laugh:

Love it...

And to that point, your aged into the business, isn't it amazing how much counseling we do in the field. Just finished meeting with my Friday men's group and we spoke about just that.
This is truly an amazing career.
While we are grammar PC, it is you're not your.. :spinny:
I just hope he has lots of money in the bank to cover all the chargebacks and roll ups that will be going on. Sounds like Securus 2.0. They couldn't even make the free lead program work. Of course they weren't using organic leads. Lol