- 30,999
I know what you're talking about. I've rolled out of bed with force several times while rolling out of the way of a couple of rednecks trying to run me over with a pick up truck. Another time I was running and was trying to spear somebody...I woke up after diving into the wall and found myself stuck upside down between the bed and the wall. Took me a couple of minutes to get loose.I had a meeting with my neurologist today. He's putting me on a sleep aid to go with my other sleep aide. Clonzepam and now triptipine or some other bull shit. I have wild dreams or maybe you should call them nightmares. I jump out of bed in the middle of the night fighting and throwing punches kicking etc. I jumped out the other night and hit my head on the end table. Got a big gash, bled all over the place. Man that did hurt!
Good thing I was all drugged up!

I think Clonazepam was working, but besides making me tired all the time it hurt my breathing. After reading about it, I told the Neurologist that I couldn't believe they'd prescribe that to somebody with COPD. He said it was that or Melatonin, which I already tried. He suggested time released Melatonin and that didn't work. I've been taking dual-dose Melatonin and that seems to be working a lot better.
I've had the wounds too. 85% of people with RBD get Parkinson's. Gonna be hard to drink a cup of coffee.