Insurance and religion are two separate things and should remain that way. If you need religion to sell, you're in the wrong business. If you need insurance to promote your beliefs in/of religion, then you're in the wrong religion!
Seriously? Who said a single word to suggest the use of religion to sell insurance, or using insurance to promote your beliefs. That statement is as absurd as it is asinine.

Some of the conclusions drawn from my introduction post, are comical. And yea, Christians will call out bull just like any other person. Wow.
Glad to see that you returned to the forum, Michael. Sometimes new members wade into the swamp and experience a baptism by fire.

That happened to me on the old forum, but I got over it and hung in there.

You should do the same.

Insurance is about people skills, communication skills, the art of listening, empathy, asking questions in a non-threatening way, solving problems and a lot more.

It is NOT about trying to convince someone you are right and they are wrong. An agent with that approach may be successful at sales but they end up with customers, not clients.

Understand the difference!

The biggest challenge most agents face is finding enough people to talk with.

You can have superior people and communication skills, but without someone who will listen you will fail.

Religion and politics are hot topics in almost any environment. This forum is no different.

I appreciate the fact that you shared your background, and your faith. Too bad some folks read something into your "message" that differed from your intent.

It happens.

As others have said, there is a wealth of information here. You just need to learn how to sort through it and find something meaningful and useful for you.

I have been in the insurance business over 40 years but in some ways I had a transition similar to yours when I was 43.

My first 18 years was on the carrier side. Salary, benefits, expense account, etc.

My last job was especially sweet with a lot of flexibility and a very nice monetary package.

Great while it lasted until the company was sold and a third of the reps lost their jobs.

At 43 I transitioned from a salary to straight commission. It was slow going at first. A lot of ups and downs but very much worth it in the long haul.

Hang in there. Don't give up, but I doubt I needed to say that.

Good luck!
That happened to me on the old forum, but I got over it and hung in there.

Glad you stuck in there... :yes:

We meet here and air our views and impart what knowledge or wisdom we believe we posses...

We also seek counsel and information that would make us better at our trade...

our goal is not that we all agree with each other... that's a fool's errand.
That sounds like a lot to you perhaps. If it's too much, maybe try just one. Got any encouragement for me? I kid, I kid. No worries sir.


I'm sorry sir, but could you please point out my "un solicited advertisement of my church involvement"? Stating your experience and beliefs is not unsolicited advertising anything. You missed the entire point of what I said and why I said it. My point was that I've gone through some hardship ending in divorce, and the loss of a 20+ career. In moving past the aftermath and it's adverse affect on my life and career, I am in the process rebuilding my life and starting a new career at the age of 47. Why the negativity? You don't like my post? Maybe you could find one you do and contribute something positive.

I 100% got the point of what you were saying. I was trying to contribute something positive by advising what to keep out of your sales pitch. Unfortunately it is you that are missing the point. Instead of taking the input and moving along, you got hyper defensive and emotional. It looks like you stayed up pretty late posting emotionally and defensively. To that point, sales may not be for you. The hard reality is that most people will fail in this business. Many will go bankrupt trying to succeed. Most of the people here are ones that have made it. If you want people to pray for your, encourage you, pat you on the head, give you a participation trophy and tell you it will be ok, then you are in the wrong place. If you can't take any sort of constructive criticism and are sensitive, then I will give you some positive encouragement. I positively encourage you to find other work if you can't listen and take pointers from others in the industry that have made it.
If I misunderstood your statement, then I apologize. In my neck of the woods, there are people who see value in a little encouragement here and there. If you have never had such a need to be encouraged in your own endeavors, you are a rare individual. You made several conclusions that are flat wrong concerning me, but that's ok. You have no idea who I am and what I'm about. It all comes down to a persons motivation for replying. My experience is that forums such as this are sometimes a passive-aggressive wonderland, in which one can use to vent their own internal frustrations. Cynics abound. But, as I asked you not to assume, I will do the same and assume the best of you and your motives and advice. I will be sure not to thump my bible while making a sales presentation. Thank you sir.
Glad to see that you returned to the forum, Michael. Sometimes new members wade into the swamp and experience a baptism by fire.

That happened to me on the old forum, but I got over it and hung in there.

You should do the same.

Insurance is about people skills, communication skills, the art of listening, empathy, asking questions in a non-threatening way, solving problems and a lot more.

It is NOT about trying to convince someone you are right and they are wrong. An agent with that approach may be successful at sales but they end up with customers, not clients.

Understand the difference!

The biggest challenge most agents face is finding enough people to talk with.

You can have superior people and communication skills, but without someone who will listen you will fail.

Religion and politics are hot topics in almost any environment. This forum is no different.

I appreciate the fact that you shared your background, and your faith. Too bad some folks read something into your "message" that differed from your intent.

It happens.

As others have said, there is a wealth of information here. You just need to learn how to sort through it and find something meaningful and useful for you.

I have been in the insurance business over 40 years but in some ways I had a transition similar to yours when I was 43.

My first 18 years was on the carrier side. Salary, benefits, expense account, etc.

My last job was especially sweet with a lot of flexibility and a very nice monetary package.

Great while it lasted until the company was sold and a third of the reps lost their jobs.

At 43 I transitioned from a salary to straight commission. It was slow going at first. A lot of ups and downs but very much worth it in the long haul.

Hang in there. Don't give up, but I doubt I needed to say that.

Good luck!

Thank you for your kind and helpful words sir. I have no doubt that learning from your example would be beneficial to me.
Glad you stuck in there... :yes:

We meet here and air our views and impart what knowledge or wisdom we believe we posses...

We also seek counsel and information that would make us better at our trade...

our goal is not that we all agree with each other... that's a fool's errand.

Well said. I agree.
LifeHawk gave you a nicely balanced post in post number 4. When your instinct says TMI, the backspace key is a useful tool. If you are attempting to make approval from this forum for choosing a difficult path the basis for your business motivation and success, you are doomed to failure before you even start. You must find that internally in some fashion.

You spoke of both liking and hating both musical and insurance activities. You may find your creativity to present challenges as well as helps. I suspect you will find that much of selling is going to involve disciplined application of a series of repeatable steps.

If you have a good relationship with your father, he may be a good source of advice to you. An evening meal at your home and discuss concerns with him.

When you were selling insurance, did you make any friends who are still in the business and whom you could set up a mutual accountability relationship with?

Coming out of a "valley" experience, you might find one of Og Mandino's books to be useful emotional support. I suspect The Greatest Salesman in the World is probably the one most commonly recommended to salespersons, but given that people are different, you might find a stronger connection with one of the others. It's been a long time since I read them, but scanning the title list, one of the ragpicker ones might be a good second choice. You can look him up on wikipedia to see a list.
Thank you for your input. I will check the books out.
Seriously? Who said a single word to suggest the use of religion to sell insurance, or using insurance to promote your beliefs. That statement is as absurd as it is asinine.

Some of the conclusions drawn from my introduction post, are comical. And yea, Christians will call out bull just like any other person. Wow.

I'm sorry that this is all that you got from my post. It was meant to be helpful to you, but if that is the way you understood my post, you missed the whole point. As a matter of fact, you've missed the fact that I was the one bringing up a potential problem that you may experience in the field and I was just trying to warn you about it. Now please, go back and reread it in a different light.