A dying agents warning ‼️

The article does give this warning against MA:

"This year, more than 16 million enrollees are in plans with no deductible for any drug. But in 2025, more than 45% of these members will be subject to a deductible for at least some drugs."

I too have sent blistering warnings to my MA clients that they've had $0 deductible and next year will have $150, so it's clearly time to move to original Medicare plus a PDP with a $590 deductible.

I'm good like that.
Had a MAPD client yesterday with a bum knee. She started with "You told me this was going to happen". Can't get an MRI approved x2. Doc finally put in a prior auth for surgery. Denied because she hasn't had an MRI.
From the article (bolding is mine):

"What I recommend to people is, if they’re looking for another option that’s cost-effective, go to a high deductible plan, high deductible F or G, depending upon when they’re born,” Harper said."