A dying agents warning ‼️

OK I have a unique situation. I own a brick and mortar Medicare agency in my home town that my wife ran for years. She made every client come in and meet with her face to face in the office. That attracted a higher income demo than most Medicare agents work with.

She sold 85% Med sups to 15% Advantage plans.

This year I am helping out in the office more and I am trying to cross some of them over to Advantage plans that have been calling in with their rate increases. (Med sup people always think they can only change during AEP no matter how many times you explain it to them.)

Hardly any of them will consider Advantage. I have one today that will change over. But it’s hard to get people on Original Medicare to even consider it. They all have a “friend” on one of those Advantage plans with a horrible experience.

I’m a big believer in describing both and just going with what they choose. But I can tell you, people with a bit more money who are the type that want to come to an office rather than enroll over the phone or have an agent come to their home (and there is a huge number of these people who prefer the office) do tend to favor Original Medicare.
Well, I guess there is plenty of people in the other 46% to make up 100% of my Medicare book. No scare tactics, I simply state no network, no referrals, no pre auth, no surprise bills......they end me there. Or, I hear all the time "Oh no......... my friend/relative/neighbor is on MAPD, and after hearing what they've told me......". Discussion ends. Heard that at least 15 times in past week. My book is middle/higher income, I refer out the low income MAPD suitable folks. Love my book, my clients love me. Reflecting back, wouldn't have changed a thing on how it was built.
Every one of these things you tell them are trying to scare them and steer them away from MA and into your wheelhouse. I don’t care what you sell but can’t believe you can show someone on eluquis the stand alone PDP and they are just fine with paying 590.00 in January and then 150.00/month going forward. That same drug would cost them around 600.00 total on a good MAPD. I show every client a G plan and print off cheapest stand alone drug plan and compare it to MAPD without bias. They ask me which way they should go and I say that’s an individual decision.

Amazes me the people who actually sell both and know how MAPD works don’t have alll these problems you describe but the MSO people are sure 95% of all 35 million on MAPD are literally screwed.

And the income thing that always comes up makes no sense. I’ve got multi millionaires on MAPD’s because they have money sense and can see how much better off they are financially going that way. No doubt that is the way I will go when I turn 65 and I’m not hurting for money.
OK I have a unique situation. I own a brick and mortar Medicare agency in my home town that my wife ran for years. She made every client come in and meet with her face to face in the office. That attracted a higher income demo than most Medicare agents work with.

She sold 85% Med sups to 15% Advantage plans.

This year I am helping out in the office more and I am trying to cross some of them over to Advantage plans that have been calling in with their rate increases. (Med sup people always think they can only change during AEP no matter how many times you explain it to them.)

Hardly any of them will consider Advantage. I have one today that will change over. But it’s hard to get people on Original Medicare to even consider it. They all have a “friend” on one of those Advantage plans with a horrible experience.

I’m a big believer in describing both and just going with what they choose. But I can tell you, people with a bit more money who are the type that want to come to an office rather than enroll over the phone or have an agent come to their home (and there is a huge number of these people who prefer the office) do tend to favor Original Medicare.
The ones like that are the hard-headed know-it-alls who think they have it all figured out.

I mean, no offense “Jane,” but no matter how much research you’ve done, you still don’t even know 1% about the industry or these plans.

They just heard some fear-mongering sensationalized nonsense and they are hard-headed and have their mind made up, regardless of what the truth is.

The people that come to me demanding a med-supp, I don’t even bother trying to explain their other option anymore. They “know it all” and have it “all figured out,” so they can enjoy wasting their money (in most cases).

Especially sad because I’m in a state where a carrier does absolutely zero underwriting for Medigap and will approve a unicorn with HIV.

Some people are just stubborn, stupid, and love wasting money to “feel” good. No, don’t listen to the licensed expert advisor who does this day-in-and-day-out. Listen to your neighbor, Linda. Great strategy.
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Something that is ignored by many agents that focus on volume only.
I guess I'm in business to help whoever needs it and not just who fits into the pigeonhole of what I prefer to sale. I guarantee you my appts take longer than most because I am showing Med Sups, PDP's, Cost Plan and MAPD's. I am only running 5 appts a day this AEP but still not alot of idle time to sit around. Am still getting a little golf in late afternoon though. lol
You mean that crazy high $240 ded and $50 vision visit? PDP plan is a secondary concern for those who are very sick. Quality of care comes first for most.

A good 15 calls today, at least 5 use Mayo on consistent basis.

Gone through 350 med supp clients so far, not 1 want to move to mapd
You asked why they might complain. I gave you a few reasons.

I can’t speak for your market but there are many parts of the country where the Advantage MOOP is less than the guaranteed premium + deductible you pay with a supplement. Then you get a superior drug benefit, dental, and an allowance for eyeglasses.

Advantage plans make sense for many people. That’s why the majority of Medicare beneficiaries have one, and why the majority of them like it.

They don’t make sense for everyone. Neither do supplements. Everyone has different needs AND preferences.
I guess I'm in business to help whoever needs it and not just who fits into the pigeonhole of what I prefer to sale. I guarantee you my appts take longer than most because I am showing Med Sups, PDP's, Cost Plan and MAPD's. I am only running 5 appts a day this AEP but still not alot of idle time to sit around. Am still getting a little golf in late afternoon though. lol
Me, too. There are a lot of lazy agents out there, and way too many dinosaurs who should have retired 10 years ago.

My sales calls (usually face to face) last anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the complexity and the person. I can preempt later questions and concerns, and it helps greatly with client referrals. I also have time to present ancillary products.

My model isn’t the only good model, but it works really well for me.
Me, too. There are a lot of lazy agents out there, and way too many dinosaurs who should have retired 10 years ago.

My sales calls (usually face to face) last anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the complexity and the person. I can preempt later questions and concerns, and it helps greatly with client referrals. I also have time to present ancillary products.

My model isn’t the only good model, but it works really well for me.
Do I need to come up there and T-Rex your ass?
Something that is ignored by many agents that focus on volume only.
Years and years and years ago I remember you said something along the lines of - "I'll sell in other states once I finish with Georiga."

This was back when agents were getting 35 non-res licenses and cold calling 67+ for med supp.

I thought, hm - that's smart. I haven't run out of people in my little town, why try to get people in Wyoming?