We can deal with incorrect APTC's after Open Enrollment.
Right now, we need an engine that helps the client pick the right insurance plan!
I'm willing to pay for a superior engine!
But, I can't find it.........YET.
Are they gonna show my married couple a $13,700 deductible when it's a $6850 deductible PER person?
Are they gonna make them click forever to see what's important?
I asked ACAexpress about a lot of these particulars 1 year ago.
And, they said, you'll see on Opening Day.
I'm on the race track on Opening Day! I'm not out there preparing the race track!
Sherpa is at least transparent. You can instantly SEE what you'll get.
Of course, they don't have the time to make a simple fix & give us what we HAD & were happy with. They're too busy fixing something that wasn't broken....turning a diamond into crushed debris.
Thanks, Annie. I carefully read Kenny's entire post. AND, I carefully read between his lines, too. He'll show us ALL of his cards when he's ready...probably at the last minute again this year....(if then).
I don't like his old site very much at all. The quotes are all crammed together. White space is a programmer's FRIEND...but most programmers don't KNOW that. People are less overwhelmed with a very CLEAN, simple site.
Many people (including myself) will NOT enter a site that requires a log-in or email address. We wanna see what you have to offer. We don't want to sign up for endless spam email.
Just ONE example: Amazon is quite successful without requiring an up-front email address.
Consumers will USE your consumer-facing site when it's simple & provides results. AND, they'll tell 10 friends about it, too. You won't have to chase prospects if you offer people something better than the next website. I think E-health FINALLY learned that.
Most-importantly, I want my clients to be able to quickly & EASILY find everything they are looking for.
I don't want the Provider Finder hidden behind:
- Click here for details
- Scroll all the way down on next screen to accidentally FIND the link to Provider Finder
Many will just LEAVE your site if they can't easily find what they're looking for.
(Thus, the need for drip emails to fish-them-back when you could've caught the fish on the 1st try if you had a consumer-friendly site.)
I don't wanna create ANY more need-for-an-agent-call than necessary. Yes, most of them NEED an agent to HELP them pick out the right insurance plan. But, they should NOT need help navigating a site!!!
And, the need for constant-clicking (to get where you WANT to be) should NOT annoy, frustrate nor run our prospects/clients off, either.
Our quote engines have ADDED to the frustration of an already-frustrating experience!
Right now, we need an engine that helps the client pick the right insurance plan!
I'm willing to pay for a superior engine!
But, I can't find it.........YET.
Are they gonna show my married couple a $13,700 deductible when it's a $6850 deductible PER person?
Are they gonna make them click forever to see what's important?
I asked ACAexpress about a lot of these particulars 1 year ago.
And, they said, you'll see on Opening Day.
I'm on the race track on Opening Day! I'm not out there preparing the race track!
Sherpa is at least transparent. You can instantly SEE what you'll get.
Of course, they don't have the time to make a simple fix & give us what we HAD & were happy with. They're too busy fixing something that wasn't broken....turning a diamond into crushed debris.
TxOnline, in Kenny's original post above, he said:"On to the enhancements which will be deployed this weekend"
So, I think what is happening is that ACAExpress was simplifying when .......
Thanks, Annie. I carefully read Kenny's entire post. AND, I carefully read between his lines, too. He'll show us ALL of his cards when he's ready...probably at the last minute again this year....(if then).
I don't like his old site very much at all. The quotes are all crammed together. White space is a programmer's FRIEND...but most programmers don't KNOW that. People are less overwhelmed with a very CLEAN, simple site.
Many people (including myself) will NOT enter a site that requires a log-in or email address. We wanna see what you have to offer. We don't want to sign up for endless spam email.
Just ONE example: Amazon is quite successful without requiring an up-front email address.
Consumers will USE your consumer-facing site when it's simple & provides results. AND, they'll tell 10 friends about it, too. You won't have to chase prospects if you offer people something better than the next website. I think E-health FINALLY learned that.
Most-importantly, I want my clients to be able to quickly & EASILY find everything they are looking for.
I don't want the Provider Finder hidden behind:
- Click here for details
- Scroll all the way down on next screen to accidentally FIND the link to Provider Finder
Many will just LEAVE your site if they can't easily find what they're looking for.
(Thus, the need for drip emails to fish-them-back when you could've caught the fish on the 1st try if you had a consumer-friendly site.)
I don't wanna create ANY more need-for-an-agent-call than necessary. Yes, most of them NEED an agent to HELP them pick out the right insurance plan. But, they should NOT need help navigating a site!!!
And, the need for constant-clicking (to get where you WANT to be) should NOT annoy, frustrate nor run our prospects/clients off, either.
Our quote engines have ADDED to the frustration of an already-frustrating experience!