Address About Health Care Reform

Surely we have SOME smart people up in Washington that can come up with some good ideas for improvement.

Of course we do.

They have done such a stellar job so far with Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie & Freddie, stimulus, cars for clunkers.

Those folks are magicians when it comes to money management.
What was clear is that Barack knows very little about insurance. He has had some exposure with the bad side of it, but gives no credit for the good side.

Mandates are not anything like required auto insurance. Somebody explain this to me. Simply not the same.

He did great when he referred to the "80%" everyone agrees on. He fell flat when he got into the partisan politics portion.

So, if congress came out with a bill that:
- Insure any comer (guarantee issue)
- Can't be dropped after the policy is issued (which is almost true now, but they do have to stop recessions)
- Provided for routine physical exams

Would he sign it? He implied he would. He would probably get a lot of support. Continue adding in the partisan things, and it falls apart.

I haven't watched a presidential speech or debate since Ronald Reagan. A liberal friend of mine challenged me to not get sucked in by his oratory skills, and just read the text. A practice I follow to this day. And reading it, eh, Im not impressed at all.

"Oh and by the way folks, let me toss in a few sentences about tort reform so you will think I actually have an intent to do something about it. SUCKERS!"

Brilliant orator, cant think of much else good to say about our Socialist-in Chief. Empty suit.
Listen in - 28 seconds in - I think Dennis Miller sums it up quite nicely!

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Those folks are magicians when it comes to money management.

I could be as well if I could print money. It has its limits and we will eventually be forced by the rest of the world to change after we screw them over with the worthless debt of ours they own.
Of course we do.

They have done such a stellar job so far with Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie & Freddie, stimulus, cars for clunkers.

Those folks are magicians when it comes to money management.

Getting just a tad off topic...

I think it is generally easy to discount a program that runs counter to our political leanings. Somarco, you mention Cash for Clunkers. While the jury is certainly out on its effectiveness on a macro-economic level, I know first hand that it has been valuable on a micro level. I work as a supervisor in the automotive industry and also sell insurance part time. Cash for Clunkers saved about 100 jobs, of which the average person makes about 35k a year. Of course, I do have to qualify this success with I don't know how long we will be able to keep these people. We are guessing about 3 months, which will get us through the slow time of the year – if it does we will not have to lay anyone off.

Our company has 7 plants in North America. All of which are located in small towns and are the lifeblood of the local economies.

My point in this, if I have one, is all of the programs that you mentioned are advantageous to some. Whether the benefits of said programs are beneficial on larger level, well, I am in no position to say. I do know, however, that a hundred people aren't spending $800 a month on Cobra insurance while trying to live off of $1500 in unemployment.
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I'll make one small retraction... Fannie and Freddie. Perhaps at some point they were beneficial, but those days are long gone.
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Interesting. What about the mechanics/parts which we use for servicing those "clunkers"? The manufacturer of my cars have never made a dime off me, but I adore my mechanic and take care of my cars.

I will just love to hear how Obama is going to eliminate the waste and inefficiencies in Medicare and Medicaid. Seems to me that he could have done that without a stinkin bill.

Oh yeah, and that medical malpractice reform? I think Howard Dean was more honest than the Socialist-in-Chief.

Yep - no silver bullet.
Mr. Bill - Service orders are less than a percent of the business we do a year... probably half a percent.

I am mostly skeptical about these health care changes not costing the tax payer a dime. There is only so much Inefficiency and waste that can be squeezed out of health care, especially 500 billion or whatever the cost is supposed to be.

By the way, I love my mechanic as well. I service my Dodge religiously, and plan on driving it to the wheels fall off. And when they do fall off, I'll just put said wheels back on and drive it some more. I am cheep like that.

I thought the most telling moment came at the end of the speech, when Obama said:

"But that's not what the moment calls for. That's not what we came here to do. We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it."

Pelosi and Biden leapt to their feet, and the Democrats cheered loudly.

See, at their very core the Democrat politicians feel it is THEIR responsibility to shape the future. Some of us feel that Americans should be free to shape our OWN future.

These people think they're royalty, and that some Americans are just too stupid to realize how badly they need the government to take care of them.

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