- 2,908
Getting just a tad off topic...
I think it is generally easy to discount a program that runs counter to our political leanings. Somarco, you mention Cash for Clunkers. While the jury is certainly out on its effectiveness on a macro-economic level, I know first hand that it has been valuable on a micro level. I work as a supervisor in the automotive industry and also sell insurance part time. Cash for Clunkers saved about 100 jobs, of which the average person makes about 35k a year. Of course, I do have to qualify this success with I don't know how long we will be able to keep these people. We are guessing about 3 months, which will get us through the slow time of the year – if it does we will not have to lay anyone off.
Our company has 7 plants in North America. All of which are located in small towns and are the lifeblood of the local economies.
My point in this, if I have one, is all of the programs that you mentioned are advantageous to some. Whether the benefits of said programs are beneficial on larger level, well, I am in no position to say. I do know, however, that a hundred people aren't spending $800 a month on Cobra insurance while trying to live off of $1500 in unemployment.
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I'll make one small retraction... Fannie and Freddie. Perhaps at some point they were beneficial, but those days are long gone.
I would have an opposite view toward Clunkers and Fannie.
Clunkers is simply a program where you pay people to buy something and then the libs are all ga-ga about how they have discovered how the economy and true stimulus works. The Amana refrigerator people are closing a plant and laying some folks off so lets have a cash for refrigerator program. It can never be anything more than a one-shot, short term effect. The government needs to make sure that the frigging banks are lending the money that it gave to them. That is how to help the auto industry given that we are already committed to government intervention. Easign the credit situation helps to fire the engine that works when it is up and running versus this clunker gimmick crap.
Fannie on the other hand, even though a lib program, was at the core of the economy, for better or worse and did do a lot of good and could have done more good if it had stayed with sound lending practices and guarantees in areas where the risks were calculated rather than everything coming up surprises. Instead, Barney and his crew turned the other way and took favors and ran the place into the ground which trashed everyone's goals in society whether lib or conservative. I would hang that son of a bitch out on the National Mall any day of the week. Dodd, Maxine Waters, the SEC clowns, the whole bunch.
You don't see the Canadians having a mortgage crisis do you? Even though their governmet lending practices are "progressive."
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