Admin Said to Be Eyeing Insurance Extension

No i got that its this part,,,,"will want the new plans with low deductibles and in many cases lower rates"

Most of my clients who enrolled in new plans were paying higher premiums with their current plans because they were stuck with plans written many years ago that were already in the death cycle-they couldn't switch because they couldn't pass underwriting.
One trend I noticed is that people under age 40 who had a low-deductible policy declined to change to a 2014 plan. Your $1500 100% HSA for a 30 year old was $130 per month. None of the 2014 plans can touch it. This demographic in particular will be very pleased if they can keep these plans for 3 more years.

But unfortunately for the Administration, this is also the coveted age group. When they renewed at the end of 2013, there was a letter in the envelope (mandated by the Obama Admin) that told them all the "goodies" they're missing by not buying a spanking new ObamaCare policy. Naturally, there was nothing in the letter disclosing that that deductible and premium would be higher.
there was a letter in the envelope (mandated by the Obama Admin) that told them all the "goodies" they're missing by not buying a spanking new ObamaCare policy.

This administration thinks they can "sell" young people on buying a plan with glitzy ads (paid for with our tax dollars) and celebrity endorsements.

What they fail to understand is the under 30 crowd especially wasn't buying health insurance before the premiums went up. They won't buy it now.

The only goodies they want (some of them at least) is maternity.

And free birth control pills . . .

They encouraged SAHK under age 26 to seek shelter under mommy's plan and then can't understand why they aren't buying their own plan.

Extending the pre-2014 plans will have a greater impact (in my opinion) on the older folks that can't afford the new plans, have no interest in free birth control, maternity or ped dental.
This administration thinks they can "sell" young people on buying a plan with glitzy ads (paid for with our tax dollars) and celebrity endorsements.

What they fail to understand is the under 30 crowd especially wasn't buying health insurance before the premiums went up. They won't buy it now.

The only goodies they want (some of them at least) is maternity.

And free birth control pills . . .

They encouraged SAHK under age 26 to seek shelter under mommy's plan and then can't understand why they aren't buying their own plan.

Extending the pre-2014 plans will have a greater impact (in my opinion) on the older folks that can't afford the new plans, have no interest in free birth control, maternity or ped dental.

What you just said is what they will use to institute Medicare for all and payroll deduct it. The young people are just not responsible by and large. They will say hey we tried to give you guys a chance to do it on your own and you failed to live up to your responsibilities therefore.......POP goes your paycheck. This of course after this thing fails due to lack of participation. We're already past the point of return to underwritten plans so there will be just one way to matter the party.
What you just said is what they will use to institute Medicare for all and payroll deduct it. The young people are just not responsible by and large. They will say hey we tried to give you guys a chance to do it on your own and you failed to live up to your responsibilities therefore.......POP goes your paycheck. This of course after this thing fails due to lack of participation. We're already past the point of return to underwritten plans so there will be just one way to matter the party.

I could not agree more.....
Fox News tonight says it will be extended to April 25.

ONLY if you tried prior to 3/31 and couldn't get it done.

A major problem with this law is that few understand it. The media (especially FOX, WSJ and The Washington Post) really don't understand it, report "half-truths" and people like you are compounding the problem. And you are an agent.

If you are going to post that its going to be extended, please report the ENTIRE story. OEP has NOT (or hasn't yet) been extended.

Sorry for the rant...but this thing just broke. I've gotten 5 emails and the phone is blowing up. In the last 30 minutes. All from people who read the headline, not the story.
ONLY if you tried prior to 3/31 and couldn't get it done.

A major problem with this law is that few understand it. The media (especially FOX, WSJ and The Washington Post) really don't understand it, report "half-truths" and people like you are compounding the problem. And you are an agent.

If you are going to post that its going to be extended, please report the ENTIRE story. OEP has NOT (or hasn't yet) been extended.

Sorry for the rant...but this thing just broke. I've gotten 5 emails and the phone is blowing up. In the last 30 minutes. All from people who read the headline, not the story.

This is only an excuse to postpone. By hook or crook this thing is going to be drug out because the Democrats face political carnage if it is fully implemented for the midterm elections.
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