The current issue of National Underwriter has execs from Aetna and Cigna throwing in the towel and declaring Obamacrap cannot be reversed.
That may or may not be true but it shows how ignorant they are about their future. Reading the article it seems to me they are betting on cleaning up in the Exchange, especially given their total disregard for agents.
Of course Aetna has the same attitude toward policyholders so one has to question why they even think they can be a player.
Perhaps they have not noticed how few carriers participate in states such as NY, VT, ME and MA with or without an Exchange.
And if you want a model of how well things work when you get into bed with the federal government, just look at how Medicare Advantage plans are working for carriers.
Home office execs are usually some of the dullest knives in the drawer and this move just proves it. Perhaps it would be the basis for a new reality show, America's Dumbest Insurance CEO's.
That may or may not be true but it shows how ignorant they are about their future. Reading the article it seems to me they are betting on cleaning up in the Exchange, especially given their total disregard for agents.
Of course Aetna has the same attitude toward policyholders so one has to question why they even think they can be a player.
Perhaps they have not noticed how few carriers participate in states such as NY, VT, ME and MA with or without an Exchange.
And if you want a model of how well things work when you get into bed with the federal government, just look at how Medicare Advantage plans are working for carriers.
Home office execs are usually some of the dullest knives in the drawer and this move just proves it. Perhaps it would be the basis for a new reality show, America's Dumbest Insurance CEO's.